Shame shame on me. It came to me yesterday that I never asked fellow BEACHBODY (BB) coach and good friend Jamie V to be a contributor and administrator here on FATLETES. So I have corrected that error as of this morning.
Please welcome our newest blogger, Jamie V. She is wife, mom, nurse, and tri-athlete. Jamie has inspired and encouraged more than once over the years and I really just appreciate her presents in my life, and I think you will like what she has to say (blog), and I hope many of you seek her council in your own pathway to health and fitness.
As for us other contributors, myself and Sarah, we are still here too.
Sarah has been dealing with some real health issues lately, and I don't mean drop a few pounds kind of crappola, I mean real issues. I know she is planning on posting about this matter soon for all of you. When she does, please offer her your love and support. On a personal level Sarah is the happiest I have ever seen her and she is very brave to be facing the issues she has in the manner in which she is, and even braver to be willing to share with all of you about these private life changes.
And me… well I am still here too, just busy, as always. I have my celiac disease well under control these days but am struggling with my other food allergies. Recently my face has began to swell, especially around my eyes. So if you see me in public, NO I have not been crying, and NO I am not tired, I am having an allergic reaction. I have been to the doctor and after some wonderful injections to the face, and some medicine that gave me horrible stomach cramps I almost look normal again. Thankfully I have a handsome superhero that ran and got me medicine the other night and took care of me as I fought the urge to puke. (You knew I had to mention throwing up at least once in this post or it would't be any fun for me. LOL) Who is the superhero… well I'll save that story for another time. ;)
My food allergy list seems like it is growing sometimes, and is so large in fact, I forget what I am allergic to sometimes. My gluten, diary, peanut, nut (except almonds), onion, garlic, banana, oatmeal, mushroom, spice (everything but salt and pepper), allergy can be difficult and I am learning I need to be more careful these days and my allergies come with some everyday small challenges. Try going out to eat with me, my order takes 10 minutes and can get complicated. At this point, I am just happy I don't have to carry an epi-pen or live in a bubble. LOL
And although I don't post much here these last two years, I would still love to be your BB coach or help you get started as a BB coach. Becoming a coach is easy and I highly recommend it if you feel like you have a story that can inspire others and you feel like you may have a calling in helping others reach their health and fitness goals. The money isn't bad either.
Fatletes welcomes submissions to post to our blog and please feel free to reach out to us anytime, via FB, text, or email… which means I guess I should return to FB. LOL I took a bit of a hiatus from it all a few weeks ago but promise to reactivate my account today.
Submissions will be reviewed for content, grammar, and spelling. Just kidding on the grammar and spelling part, we will try but we are not editors, or english teachers. Really, all we ask is that submissions not body shame anyone because we know athletes come in all shapes, sizes, ages, races, and different back grounds and we love different perspectives, and hope they will inspire others. This blog is not about trendy diets or get thin quick tricks but health and fitness and reaching personal goals. Selfless promotion encouraged, as are crazy workouts, awesome workout pics, and selflies. Be "real" with our readers and let it come from your heart.
I can be contacted on Facebook at or search Amy Crabtree. You can text or call me at 360.609.4983 (I prefer text and hate voicemail). Follow me on Instagram at SuperOobie and on Pinterest. And check out my coach's site
My 2013 flipagram.
There is a muddy trail with my name on it, headed for a run, love y'all.