Tuesday, January 31, 2012

34 Ways to Burn More Calories in a Day

So my husband informed me that in his Men's Health magazine (a great gift from his parents) that an article said that if you eat only an extra 170 calories a day beyond your energy needs that you can gain a pound a week.  A POUND A WEEK!!!   Do you know how few calories that is?  That's a few bites here and there and they really add up.  So step away from your child's left over nuggets and try my 34 steps to burning extra calories.

1.   Always take the stairs, avoid elevators and escalators.  Or in my case go down stairs to see what the kids are doing instead of yelling for them to come upstairs and give a report of what they are doing.  (Yeah I can be that lazy).

2.     Park further away from your destination than usual.  And if you are grocery shopping return your cart to the store.  It is a nice thing to do and it is more movement.

3.     Try to be active while watching TV, even if it's just doing housework.  Do your dishes, sort your bills, or dust.

4.     Stand and let someone else have your seat when riding the bus or subway.

5.     Go out and walk, hike at a park, or play pool (something active) instead of going out to dinner or for a treat.

6.     Take “walking breaks” instead of coffee breaks at work in order to get your body moving during the day.

I do this all the time at work, don't you?

7.     If possible, ride your bike to work or the gym once or twice a week.

8.     Play with your kids instead of just watching them. Even if it's just having a tea party on the floor, they'll love it and you'll be more active than you would otherwise be just sitting on the couch.

9.     Walk your dog instead of just letting him outside to roam.

10.  Mow your lawn with a push mower.

11.  Walk in place, do some leg lifts, stretches or sit ups while watching TV.

12.  Tap your feet.  I do this one all the time, you can burn an extra 300 calories a day with this one.

13.  Dance around the house.

14.  Ride a skateboard around the house.  I do this one all the time, do you know you have to balance to do this.  Takes some core to ride the boards.

15.  Wash the car. Feel free to do so in a skimpy swimsuit in the winter, keeping warm will help you burn even more calories.

16.  Do yard work. 

17.  Swing your legs. Just pretend you are 5 again.

18.  Drum your fingers.

19.  Stand up and stretch

20.  Move your head side to side

21.  Pace back and forth

22.  Stand while on the phone

23.  Smile and laugh

24.  Fidget.  People might think you have AD HD but it will be worth it.

25.  Vacuum.  If you want you can be crazy and make sure all the vacuum lines in your carpet are straight and match up, that should keep you busy for awhile.

The wind often blows through my hair as I vacuum.

26.  Drink cold water all day

27.  Get up to change the channel on the TV.  This for me would require a ladder so I can burn even more calories.

28.  Chew gum all day

29.  Wash windows

30.  Move your printer further from your computer at work so you can walk to it.

31.  Stand while working at your desk.

32.  Stretch in the shower.

33.  Flex your muscles throughout the day, this can be done in the car too.

34.  While standing, alternate each foot standing on your tip toes.  I saw a TSA worker at the airport doing this.

A lot of these extra calorie burners involve cleaning but I have learned from personal experience that cleaning can help the fight against fat.  When I first started losing weight 18 months ago, one weekend I worked on cleaning the entire house for several hours a day.  I cleaned every base board, every window, and every wall in the house (yes I am obsessive like that).  That weekend I lost 2 1/2 pounds. 

Don't give up and every calorie you can burn counts!

Thanks to Men's Health for a great little article, now I have to go wash my hands because they smell like some stinky cologne from one of the ads in the magazine. 

As always if you need a Beachbody coach and a friend to help motivate you just text me 360.609.4983 and check out my Beachbody site www.beachbodycoach.com/amycobine

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Midnight Fat-Attack

It’s almost midnight and you and your husband head to the kitchen for a midnight fat attack, sorry I meant snack attack.  Oh it sounds so good; maybe some quick nachos (a personal favorite of mine back when I was a fatty) or some buttered popcorn and a soda.  It really does seem like a good idea, until a year of midnight fat attacks add up to you needing to buy bigger clothes and you finally complete your “Mom” look.  You know the look, sensible shoes, baggy mom jeans that sag on your large flat butt, short hair, and a shirt that shows off your large impressive back boobs.  Do they have bras for those yet?

I was a late night snacker.  To this day I fight the urge and I assume I always will.  I have spoken to lots of couples and many of them face the same cravings.  Now, I could give you a list of healthy snack options but the truth is I don’t want you to eat late at all.  It is not necessary!  If you want healthy snack options follow me on Pintrest, I post that stuff all the time. 

I know snacking was fun back in high school and college when you stayed up all night studying and the food was a way to stay awake.  I think for some of us we still want those midnight snacks because we remember the good ole’ days of staying up late with our friends, hanging out, and goofing around.  But the problem is Mr. and Mrs. 4th Meal, you no longer have a young adult metabolism.  That left you as you got that degree and when you popped out that first kid.

Now your midnight snack is just more calories, and the calories are full of fat, sugar, and salt.  And your snack isn’t a handful of chips, it is a full on meal with all the calories of a dinner.  I know many of you find comfort in the food after a long day, and it does seem more enjoyable when the little people (the kids) are in bed and not in your face and you can finally have a moment to yourself, but if your body is craving food late at night, maybe it’s not food it wants. 

Next time you feel the fat attack occur try one of four things for me.  First, go drink a large glass of cold water.  Many of us confuse hunger with thirst.  Still hungry, maybe a little bored?  Go workout fatty!  That’s right kill the hunger with a workout.  Ok, you don’t want to workout but want to spend time with your spouse, great, go have sex.   Don’t want to workout or have sex?  To tired?  Then go to bed!!!  Yeah, maybe your body wants food and caffeine because you are tired and your body wants fuel to keep going when you really just need to go to bed.  Sleep is so good for you and instead of consuming calories you will be burning them.  Yeah, you burn calories even if you are sleeping. 

Other helpful hints; stay busy.  Our craving for snacks often hits because we are not thinking or doing.  Clean your house, play with your kids, or get a hobby.  DO NOT WATCH TV!  Watching TV often leads to mindless eating, and do no watch TV that makes you think more about food like Food Network or the Travel Channel.  If you love fatty greasy foods then shows like Triple D and Man vs. Food can be a form of self-torture.  On the other hand if you have a weak stomach feel free to watch Andrew Zimmern on the Travel Channel’s Bizarre Foods.  I also find Hoarders to make me feel a little ill and give me the urge to clean (another calorie burning activity).

Alright, no more fat attacks.  Be stronger than the food, and for any husbands out there, I just told your wife to have more sex with you so you better become loyal fatletes.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Fat Free Travel

How to avoid the calories, sugar, salt, and expense of travel.
As I prepare to travel to the happiest place on earth with my little girl I want to avoid some of the issues we had just last week while traveling with the entire family.  The following is a how to list for those on the go who do not want to return home with extra baggage (on their butt that is). 

Step 1.  Eat before you go and eat at a normal time
Often we are in such a rush to get out the door we plan on catching a bite to eat while in route to either our destination or to the airport.  We always have our favorite places in mind.  Here is the problem, a little bite is always a full meal and because we stop at our favorite places we always eat too much and then after we eat too much we go sit in the car or on a plane for hours doing nothing!  Eat at home and eat before you go.  You will save many calories and money.

Step 2.  Pack a lunch
Pack a lunch, pack a snack, pack it, pack it, pack it.  For our trip to the Big D we are taking a cooler full of fresh snacks ready to eat, including crunchy carrots and sweet grapes.  Both foods will be able to satisfy my snacking needs while on the road.  This way I will avoid the dreaded craving to stop and buy chips or my favorite unhealthy treat (Milk Duds). 

Also pack plenty of drinks.  We rarely buy soda, but when traveling we often need to stop for water; this always leads us into temptation because the water coolers in the convenience stores are often located next to the candy and chip aisles.  My husband also loves energy drinks which are not healthy drinks, they are sugar and caffeine. Again there is the expense of buying water from a convenience store, it is better to bring your drink from home and save the money.

Step 3. Take your Shakeology to go
Did you know Shakeology can be purchased in handy dandy one serving packages?  Well it can.  Take it with you and if you want the same great blended shake you make at home, take a blender with you. 
I purchased this great little one serving blender at Target for $16 plus tax.  It is very small and light and can be taken in your carry-on luggage.  Lucky for all of us, all hotels have ice machines.

Step 4.  Take some healthy meals with you
Eating three meals a day out can get expensive quickly, especially for our family.  And then again there are the extra calories!!!  Along with your Shakeology, plan to pack and eat a few meals in your room, like breakfast. 
I pack organic instant oatmeal and cereal.  Most hotel rooms have a coffee pot in the room to heat water and you can bring milk with you for cereal or worst case order some from room service. 
I do pack bowls and spoons with me for these meals as well as some dish soap.

Step 5.  Extra snacks
Keep extra snacks handy for midnight cravings or snacks between meals.  I prefer Annie’s Organics snacks or Organic Kids Cliff Bars (for something sweet).For longer trips we have also invested in an electric cooler with car adapter. 

Step 6.  Meals Out
Try and avoid meals out if you can, especially if you are at the beginning of your weightloss journey.  But if eating out cannot be avoided make healthy choices while out. 
Do not eat appetizers unless it is a salad.  Salads should always have dressings on the side and avoid things like cheese and croutons on the salad.  Pay extra attention to your portion size.  Eat only half of any meal and do not take the rest home with you (left overs can be a horrible temptation in your hotel room just an hour later).  Avoid all fried and salted foods.  Also avoid foods with sauces or that come with a sauce.  Almost all sauces are high in fat and sugar (even ketchup).  And no desert!  If everyone else is having it, ask for a bite but do not get one for yourself.
If you need to, use your smart phone to look up the calories in each selection you are considering on livestrong.com  This may help you decide. 

You will find that to live a healthy life style you may have to plan ahead and be a bit more organized but your waistline will thank you.  Visit me at www.beachbodycoach.com/amycobine  For personal coaching text me at 360.609.4983  I am here to help you down a new path.

Why is my daughter so fat? She only eats french fries with ranch.

Last week as Uma (my daughter) and I made our way home from Disneyland we stopped in Barstow, CA for lunch.  We had not planned on eating at a restaurant but we unfortunately had gotten off of schedule earlier in the day and we were in need of a late lunch.  I let Uma choose where we ate, our choices were Subway or Chilli’s.  There were other restaurants in the area but my allergy to onions ruled all the Mexican restaurants out and I did not give her the option of McDonald's or Burger King as I am not sure they serve food.

Uma chose Chilli’s.  We were promptly seated and Uma and I ordered a meal to split.  Seated in the booth next to us was a small family, parents and two teenage girls (we live in Utah anyone who has less than four kids has a small family).  The Mom talked and talked, mostly about church of which it sounded like they had attended earlier in the day (it was Sunday).  The Mom was kind of loud (that’s why I could hear everything she said) and didn’t seem like a pleasant person, her tone was sharp and bossy.  As the family decided on what to order and as the waitress came over the Mom told her daughter (around age 15) to sit up, speak clearly, and tell the waitress what she would like.  I know that seems like a good thing to teach a kid and it is, but this teenager was at least 50 lbs overweight as was her sister.  These girls were not a bit chubby, nor did they have little bellies, these girls were BIG! All around BIG!  Truly my first thought wasn’t very nice as I saw all of this happening I thought instead of teaching her how to order why don’t you teach her how to do a “f”ing push-up.  Yes, I actually use the word “f”ing in my mind, I try not to curse even inside my head.
I continued to hear the family talk about home school, church, and friends.   From what I could understand the family was new to the area and the girls did not have friends yet and may not have had many from where ever they came from.  I felt sorry for the girls because you know that the basics of good health and fitness would not be taught to them at home and it didn’t sound like they attended public school (not like that would be a lot of help either but some is better than none).

On the drive home I reflected more at my time with Uma at Disneyland.  We had so much fun but we saw a lot of fat people.  I am sure that doesn’t seem very nice to say either.  But it was true.  Several times lines for rides were stopped while obese people were assisted onto and off of the rides.  At the rocket ships I felt sorry for the Disneyland cast as they had to “find” the seat belt after a very large woman had stuffed herself inside the rocket.  Again, I felt sorry for the kids with these people. 
Most people know I made the change to be a fit mom when I had my daughter Uma.  There is something special about the bond between a mom and daughter that makes you want to be the best woman you can be.  You have to ask yourself, what are you teaching your daughter?  Who do you want her to be?  What will you do to make sure nothing stands in her way?

I read an article this weekend in Bazaar Magazine about a 96+year old woman who runs and who taught her now 70 year old daughter to run when she was very young.   They talked about how both the woman have ran their entire lives, how fit they are, and how young they both look (they both look about 20 or 25 years younger than most women their age).  It was such an inspirational story.  So much so that I took Uma and Fox out trail running today after church.  I want to teach my kids good health and good fitness.  I want them to know how to run, jump and play.  I think so many people think this comes naturally to children but good form and a love for it may not.
I’ll ask you again, what are you teaching your daughter?  And will you set an example? 

Many of you have heard this from my Beachbody blog www.teambeachbody.com/amycobine or one of my websites but here is a conversation Uma and I had a few months after I started working out.
Uma “Mommy, can we play exercise today?”  Me  “Yes Uma, everyday.”
First trail run for my babies.

The kids and I stop at the top of Turtle Wall for a picture.

Need a Beachbody Coach, want to talk about your health, your fitness, your kids and family's health.  Go to my Beachbody site www.beachbodycoach.com/amycobine or look me up on facebook or text me at 360.609.4983  Start down a new path today.

The sweetest sounds

There are certain sounds that you remember hearing for the first time and you love them and they become a sweet memory you never forget.  Most cannot be duplicated exactly the same way but similar sounds can trigger the original memory giving you a quick flashback of the past.

For example the wonderful sound of a newborn or a spring rain.  There are the words  "I love you"  and "I do" from someone you care about.  All sweet sounds.

I have found another sweet sound that I just love; it might gross you out a little.  It is the sound of my sweat hitting the floor.  OH I LOVE IT!  The first time I heard it was months ago during an Insanity workout.  It took me a minute to figure out what the sounds was.  Drop.  Drop.  I looked down at my feet and I could see water falling on my shoes and the floor.  Just a couple of drops but I realized it was coming from me.  It was awesome!  Talk about pounds melting off.

Learn to love the sounds, learn to enjoy the journey to fit.


Saturday, January 28, 2012

Fatty, fatty two by four

Fatty, fatty two by four Mommy can’t get her big butt through the door.  Awww, luckily for most of us our kids can’t make fun of us, yet.  I stress the word yet.  In time the kids will notice your extra weight.  They may notice in a cute way.  My oldest once told my Mom she had really big muscles.  That was kind of cute and funny (because it wasn't said about me).  My other son at three years old slapped my butt and said “you got a really big butt Mom” that didn’t seem that cute, he laughed as he said it but I wanted to cry a bit.
As your kids get older most of them will no longer speak about the weight because as much as it embarrasses us it will embarrass them too.  Most of them will have problems finding the words to discuss the subject and you would have problems finding the words to confide in them about the issue.

I remember my Mom coming to my school in sixth grade.  My Mom was so unhealthy, she was not at her biggest but years of unhealthy habits and yo yo diets left her skin flabby and it hung all over.  She wore a loose top and shorts to my school and I could swear I saw every inch of cellulite and extra skin she had.  Now I know what you are thinking, I was probably just your typical eleven year old and I was probably over reacting right?  WRONG!  As soon as she left, two boys said something to me.  And the girls didn’t need to say anything; the looks they gave me said it all.  I could have crawled under a table and just died. 

As a moms, as soon as we have a baby we turn our lives over to the child.   We begin to sacrifice everything.  We no longer shop the same, eat the same, or decorate the same. 

What to do?  Well I changed my entire life around and did something most moms struggle with.  I made time for myself.  It sounds a bit selfish just saying I did it, it almost seems like it goes against my parental oath.  You know to love, nurture, and obey.  Oh wait that’s not the oath, maybe the oath including that I must give every last minute to my children and every last penny.  Yeah, that sounds like the oath I took.

No, really I found that to be the best parent I could be and to set the example (you know the do as I do thing) I would have to make time for me.  I was going to need to set aside time for myself and I was going to have to exercise.  The other thing I had to do to get on track as a healthy Mom was I had to stop eating my kid’s leftovers.  We all think we eat the right portions until you realized you ate an extra ½ of a peanut butter sandwich, a handful of fries, and ¾ of a juice box today for an extra 400 calories.
If you are ready to be the example for your kids and not a potential embarrassment find time for you.  Remember who you are, and that putting yourself first once a day is good for your family.  The kids might not understand in the beginning; mine often ask why I act different now, but I just tell them there is a new Mommy in town and the fat one left.

Healthy Moms have healthy kids.  And healthy Moms are happy moms.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Is fat a four letter word?

Right now I kind of feel like Carrie Bradshaw (Sex in the City) asking those silly questions and then answering myself, except I am not in a small apartment looking out a window at some street in New York, and I don’t have a camera to turn to and smirk at, and this won’t be posted in a national newspaper.  Instead I am in my small office looking at a street in Utah with a small annoying Yorkie barking at my feet.

You’re fat!  Well it kind of sounds mean doesn’t it.   Even if you say it nice and soft it still sounds mean. Has fat become a four letter word?

So many of us have been called fat and sometimes when we were are not fat at all.  This often happens to girls because men and other women know that just implying someone is fat can hit a nerve.  It upsets us and makes us ask the question “Am I fat?”  And it leads us to other question likes “Is there something wrong with me?”  It creates doubt and makes us feel bad.

The word fat in most cases is used as a descriptive word but as I looked up the word in online dictionaries the sample phrases all had negative connotations.  One dictionary drew a direct line between a fat person and being obese, which not everyone that has fat or is carrying a few extra pounds is obese, although these days I think that line is getting thinner and thinner (maybe because as American’s we are getting bigger and bigger).

Fat people don’t want to be called fat but yet there are few other words to get to the point of describing the way they look as well as the problem they clearly face.  Saying other things like “big boned” or “chubby” is rarely accurate and sounds childish.
I often call myself a former fatty and refer to other overweight people as fatties.  I can see people feel very uncomfortable with this term when I use it and I know I have offended others, but it is a part of me remembering my former self in the most positive way I can.  I feel like I have taken the harsh sounding word “fat” and turned it into something a bit cuter.  When saying it about others I really mean for it to be a word used with sympathy as I know there struggle and have been there myself. 

Now that I write this blog and have become a Beachbody coach I find myself writing and saying the word often.  It is not a four letter word; it is not a mean word.  It is just a word people.  If you are offended by the word the truth is you have issues with yourself.  Not with me or my blogs.  Maybe if we could all start dealing with the word we could actually deal with the weight problem facing so many.
That is it for tonight everyone.  I hope you all have a great Friday night and I am off to go have dinner with my Mr. Big.

Something to inspire you with this weekend.  Join me on facebook to see and read more.  www.facebook.com/amycobine

Thursday, January 26, 2012

A letter to a 320lb woman

Dear Friend,

I know how the weight makes you feel.  You feel sad and lonely and you find comfort only in food.   A cookie or cupcake doesn’t judge you and doesn’t say mean things to you.  The food makes you feel good, at least for a moment.  Yeah, there is some regret maybe moments later but whatever you already ate it right?

Your life is already down the path that it will go so you feel like not much can be done. You are married and have had your kids.  You have started to see the kids struggle with their weight too.  Your kids come home from school crying that the other kids are teasing them, but you will once again sit them down and explain to them that genetically you all are just “big” people and then you will promptly call the school to complain.  You know the school administration hates you for calling and hates you even more when you come down to the school but you will not let the kids be bullied. 

You often wonder if people talking about you when you are in public?  Well hellyes some are!  They say mean and cruel things like “If I ever get that big just shoot me.”  Or “why doesn’t that lady going on a “f”ing diet.”  They call you gross, they call you fat, and in their hearts they hate you because they don’t want to become you. 
Even some of your friends say things about your weight.  They mean well but it hurts just and much maybe more when it comes from someone you love.  They ask why you don't just stop eating.  Like it is easy.  It's food, you can't go cold turkey you tell them.
But then again you have said all these things to yourself haven’t you?  You hate you.  And the more you hate yourself the bigger you become.  It is such a horrible cycle and you see it repeating with you and with your family.  I know you put on a proud and brave face because you must stay on the defensive to avoid getting hurt even more.  You are full of shame, guilt, and regret and each day you wish for a change.
My friend, I speak from the heart when I say I know change is possible.  Why?  Because I have made the change as well have others.  It is possible to end the cycle. 

At my biggest of 190lbs I would tell people I was chubby but on the inside I thought I was disgusting.  I could grab handfuls of fat from almost all the major parts of my body.  I did so well in other parts of my life but why couldn’t I control this one thing.  I was frustrated!!!  And I am sure you are too. 
Oh I tried to lose the weight before.  I tried everything I thought was possible.  I tried all the fad diets, and more than a few times I tried just plain old fashion exercise.  And I would lose 5 or 6lbs if I really tried and starved myself for a week or two but the weight came right back each and every time.  I am sure you have had this happen too.   Again, just sooo frustrating!

My friend although I believe in accountability and being responsible, much of what has happened to your body is not entirely your fault.  There are many factors bringing you to this point.  Right now your metabolism is failing you as is the education you have received over the years about health and nutrition.  Are you supposed to eat carbs or not, who knows!  It is all so confusing and seems like experts change their minds weekly.  Experts who look like they have never weighed an extra pound in their life.  I find it hard to listen to some of them when they don't know what it is like to be a fat working mom.
Ok the exciting part of my letter to you is that change is possible. I don’t want you to start a fad diet today and I am not going to ask you go run 5 miles tonight.  I will not ask you to starve: and I will not ask anything of you that is not possible.  I am not going to ask you to take a break from real life like they do on TV shows and don't expect me to yell at you boot camp style and tell you to get off of your fat A$$ because that is not what I do. 

Together I want us to take baby steps towards change, a long lasting lifestyle change, not a diet.  Together we will work on your nutrition and together we will get you more active.  Each day you will feel stronger.  You will love the process once you are in it. Your dream of being that healthy fun Mom is possible.  It is possible!  Say it to yourself right now.  Say it is possible. Your dream of healthy happy kids is possible too and it starts with you.   

Baby steps right?  If it is time for change please write me through my Beahcbody site or facebook me. It will take time and effort and you will need to be mentally strong as well as emotionally strong.  Many of the issues that made you find comfort in food will come up again and you will need to deal with them in an all new manner.  Change is difficult but be ready for a new exciting chapter in your life. 
Are you ready?  I hope so. 

Your Beachbody Coach
Amy Cobine

 Below is Beachbody Coach Mary Robinson who once weighed 312lbs .  Mary lost 185lbs in 18 months without drugs or surgery, just diet and exercise.  Like me she said she had a hard time posting her before picture but she too wants to help others and she gave me permission to post this picture here for you.  If you would like to work with Mary as a coach because you feel like you may have more in common with her than me please just send me a message.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Fat Free Friends

Copied from my Beachbody Blog... Enjoy

Do you have fat free friends? Not super model friends but friends who support you and want the best for you.

Here is how to recognize a fat free friend.

1. A person who reads and who enriches their own mind daily.

2. A person who cares about their own health and appearance.

3. They share the joy of your success and want only good things for you.

4. They hang around other people who are successful.

5. They are honest and will let you know when you are on the wrong path.

Be selective with your friends. You do not have to be friends with everyone. Choose only friends who are respectful of you, themselves, and everyone around them.

Now I should tell you I got this all from Chalene Johnson’s book Push. If you do not have a copy, go get one! I wish would have had this thing 18 months ago when I started my journey of health and fitness. Because I agree with everything in this book and know all of this stuff she has said is true, but had discover it all over time much of it on my own.


Let me start by saying if I write WTF it stand for "what the frick." The "F" does not stand for the F-bomb.  I am a good LDS girl, so I don't roll like that.  Ha ha, I make myself laugh.

Yesterday I posted a picture of myself on facebook, a picture from one of my new websites and the picture got lots of comments, all positive and that was great.

But then I started thinking, I posted pictures of myself before the weightloss and nobody said anything.

 Here is what I looked like just two years ago and this is a picture I posted on facebook.

Why didn't one of friends comment "WTF Amy" or "damn girl you got BIG" or "Amy what happened to you?"  I really could have used that kind of talk from a real friend. 

Why didn't someone pull me aside and say "Amy, I see what you are doing to yourself and not only do you look like crap but you are killing yourself."  Maybe I would have listened.  Maybe I could have made the change sooner. 

Everyone is always tip toeing around the elephant or in this case the elephant sized person in the room and they are not saying what needs to be said.    

Real friends will say something.  Real friends will encourage your good habits and discourage your bad ones. 

Do you have an unhealthy friend?  Overweight? Smoker?  SAY SOMETHING!!!  They might get mad but it is called tough love.  You do not need to be mean to this person but be open and honest.  Help your friend seek answers and solutions.

Are you wondering about your friends right now?  The person asking to take a walk with them is your friend, the person asking you to go eat cheeseburgers at midnight with them may have issues and wants you to be their companion in misery.