Monday, June 18, 2012

My Last Mission

(Please read with best Captain Kirk impression) 

Captain's date 06182012, this... will be... my last mission...

ok my last blog post.

 (Ok you can stop the Captain Kirk impression now)

It's time for my secret identity to become my only identity.  LOL I totally stole that line from the Incredibles.  I make myself laugh, all the time. 

I think we have just confirmed that I am a nerd, as I have used a Star Trek reference.  LOL

I hinted recently that I would someday stop writing Fatletes and after much thought and prayer I have decided that today's post will be my last.

Originally, I started blogging on my Beachbody website last year.  My Beachbody blog got such a great response (people actually reading it and saying that they felt inspired by it) that I thought I should start a larger blog.  But it was just a thought... night I wanted to vent about something I had read online.  The Fatletes blog was born.

The blog has done some good things for me and for others.  I have inspired others and many of you have written me and said that the words I have written have helped you lose weight, exercise, or deal with a relationship.  And the blog has assisted me with many self revelations, of which I am grateful that I have had an opportunity to explore in this format. 

However, the blog has caused drama in my life of which I do not wish to have and I feel like writing the blog is causing a disconnect between me and others.   Drama has brought negativity into my life, and once something becomes negative and toxic, I have to let it go.

In there recent past I have found myself defending the blog, my thoughts, and who I am.  But the blog is not who I am, it's just a blog, and I could never fully explain myself in the blog.  The blog has helped me communicate when I could not find the words but it is time to move beyond the blog, and find my voice.  I have spent many years not telling others how I feel and falling silent.  I no longer can do that.

If you had asked me 6 months ago, if I was good at communicating, I would have said yes.  I am very good at sales and closing deals.  I am very good discussing and arguing state release statutes and title law.  And if you ever have a chance to be with me in court or a board room, make no doubt I will get my point across.  But in matters of the heart or expressing my feelings I completely suck at communication.  Again, I am working on that and it seems the blog was just a launch pad for me to start the process of learning how to express myself more freely and without fear to others.

I have gotten away from the blogs roots, my roots, and that was to help and inspire people with their weight loss and to become fit.  I feel the blog at this point is not inspirational, just entertainment for most readers, and serves my need for attention and gives me a place to rant and rave.  I am going to have to learn to get and receive attention from one person, I am going to have to learn not to be a whore! (Will you all miss me calling myself a whore?  Come on... you know it's funny!)  And I will have to learn to share my highs and lows with one person, instead of airing them to the public.

I will take the energy I have given to this blog and try and refocus it on my relationships with those people who I care about the most.  Instead of opening myself up for criticism from random people, I will just try to be more open and real with the people who are already in my life, as their opinions and feelings are what count the most to me. 

I will still have a creative outlet, I still paint and I will continue a writing project that I started some time ago... a private project not for public review at this time.  I will continue my work with Beachbody and I am preparing for Coach's Summit this weekend.  I am excited to have an onscreen interview for the Chalene Johnson workouts as well as a photo shoot.

I will stop by once and awhile, maybe write a race recap or give an update... but don't hold your breath for either.  To my loyal readers, I love you all.  So many of you have inspired me, and I will keep your comments and messages as sweet reminders of this time. 

To satisfy my nerdy side and to complete the theme of today's blog, I leave you with my favorite Captain Kirk quotes. 

There's only one kind of woman...or man, for that matter. You either believe in yourself or you don't. -- Kirk in 'Mudd's Women'
Without freedom of choice there is no creativity. The body dies. -- Kirk in 'The Return Of The Archons'
Worlds are conquered, galaxies destroyed...but a woman is always a woman. -- Kirk in 'Conscience of the King'

 No more blah, blah, blah! -- Kirk in 'Miri'


Saturday, June 16, 2012

I'm Not Her

This is me and I'm not that other girl.

So I am still dealing with the shiz storm I created with this weeks post.  As always, I have no intention of apologizing for any of it.  I really should be grateful as I found out who really wanted to stand beside me and who just wanted to tell what to do.  And yep, I was unfriended on FB by someone who proclaimed to be friends forever (oh sad face).

About Monday's post, the post is not saying I don't want a relationship, because I do, it's just that I may spook easily and if I get scared, there is a chance I will bolt, and just because I run from one relationship does not mean I will run into another.  I just am not like that.  Give me a break!

Anyways, I wanted to clarify a few things about myself for some of you...

Quit treating me like your ex!!!!  

I am not the psycho girl who broke down your door.  I am not the girl who packed up and left you.  I am not the girl you wasted a ton of time chatting with you online and failed to connect.  I am not the girl who failed to appreciate you and refused to communicate with you.  I am not the girl who is immature.  I am not the bratty Momma's girl.  I am not a spoiled Daddy's girl.  I am not the girl who needs you, and I won't use you!!

So many people are ready for me to argue with them and waiting for me to do something crazy, well I am sorry but that just not me.  Really, this blog is me at my worst.  I am a pretty laid back girl.  I hate to argue.  I hate drama.  I rarely get mad, but am prone to moments of girlie behavior.  I don't hold grudges and I don't hate anyone, ever!  Because both cause wrinkles..YUCK.   I try never to be mean (my college boyfriend is on the ground laughing someplace because he thought I was always mean), but really I don't even think I have mean thoughts... or do I... nope, no I don't.  As long as you don't let me railroad you (of which I might try to do because I am a girl after all)  I will be the sweetest girl you know (again the college boyfriend falls to the floor in laughter).  

I have been accused of being lonely and desperate this week.  Ummm, I am alone, but not lonely and I am not desperate for sure.  If I was I would already be with someone, probable some A-hole, some in-active (LDS) member or worse yet a non-member that would want to tell me what to do, because telling the successful pretty girl what to do, is a fun hobby for some guys.  

My standards remain, and I am sorry so few of you meet them, and just because I want attention does not mean that I want attention from everyone.  I like to get attention on the blog but at home, I am ok just hanging out with my kids, and actually hate getting too many text messages or even worse, phone calls.  So unless I said "call me...maybe" don't bother, just talk to me on FB.   

Finally, I was also asked this week if I would ever give this blog up for my future husband.  Assuming the blog would bother anyone I became serious with (truth is, the blog bugs most guys I date). Simple answer, yes, a course I would.  Chances are.. someday... I will have another blogger, a former fatty,  take this thing over so that you can read about their weightless and their drama.  My shiz may get old at some point. LOL 

Have a great weekend everyone!  And thanks for letting me clear up a few matters from this week.  

Friday, June 15, 2012

Fat Kids! (kid workout)

 My daughter and I, starting an evening hike.

The following has been weighing on my mind (pun intended) since my children got home from their Dad's house this last week, and that is the matter of childhood obesity.  My kids came home, explaining that they had played with a little girl that was quite fat.  Not chubby, they said "FAT."  In the words of my oldest  "she isn't a cylinder, but close."  LOL my kid makes me laugh.  Cylinder?  Really? LOL 

The matter was also brought to my attention as my kids explained they had not had the best diet for the last two weeks, saying they had drank soda regularly and ate candy often. They all came home craving fatty, sugary, highly processed foods.  It is so sad, I never thought my children would be placed in a situation where good nutrition and healthy living wouldn't be a priority.

As I discussed this with a friend the question of became "Why isn't diet and nutrition considered when evaluating some one's parenting skills?"  Neglecting a child's diet, is still neglect! In fact it is down right abusive.

What about providing your child with healthy play?  Sitting a child in from of a TV, is not healthy.  And you can no longer just assume that if your kids are outside that they are getting enough exercise, especially if they are being packed full of empty calories.  Just like adults, if your child consumes more calories than they use, they will gain weight. 

Our children's health is at risk and we are facing an obesity epidemic in this nation.  Our nation's children are now dealing with diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, sleep problems, and  liver disease, serious health conditions because of obesity.

Socially, obese children are teased and are discriminated against.  The world is tough enough without being handicapped by fat.  Overweight children are more likely to to suffer from low self esteem and depression, all of which can lead to even more problems.  Parents need to put themselves in their child's shoes... would you want to be taunted or called a cylinder? (Yes, I spoke to my son and told him not to be mean to the little girl, he should try and be nice to her as I am sure she is neglected.) 

I think obese girls have it even worse.  Boys get told they are big boned (not true) or that their size will help them with sports like football (kind of true).  But little girls can be very mean and the meanest to the "fat' girl.  The "fat girl" in the class is often an outcast, with few friends.  Weight can change a child's whole social experience.

Now, please do not get me wrong, we all should teach our kids to be kind and tolerant of those who are different and bullying no matter the reason is always wrong.  I know children that are too thin also get teased (Rosie I am thinking of you on that one).  But children, (like adults) will try and self regulate something they perceive as "not good."  And being fat is "not good," its literally dangerous! And children being immature and sometimes mean spirted can tease a child in hopes to change that person within their society.  

I changed my life (through exercise and diet) for my little girl.  I had one of the "Ahh ha" moments and told myself I wouldn't be the fat Mom that would embarrass my daughter.  I told myself, I wanted to be the example and I didn't want her (Uma) to grow up to be fat herself.  I think we all know it is best to lead by example.

Honestly, one of my kids struggles with his weight. While in in my house, he eats a mostly organic vegetarian diet.  And he gets plenty of exercise!  He swims everyday, rides his bike, and hikes the trails with me and his siblings.  I encourage exercise as a family.  I want the fun activities we do to become a part of his life that he will cherish and form habits that will make him a successful (but not well rounded LOL) adult.  

Moms, is your hobby baking and cooking?  Well quit letting your kids eat the batter and lick the spoon and go buy a "f"ing treadmill.  Go for a walk, go for a swim, go to the gym!!  Quit enabling your fat kids and your own large butt.

I know my words seem harsh but so many of us are just blind to what we are doing to our kids.  Would you be nice if I told you someone beat their child?   Well this is equals out  to be the same thing to me.

 Two of my kids during a family trail run.  Can you feel the love? 

Today's workouts is for kids and is a re-post from a licensed children's crossfit gym with some small alterations for at home exercise. Kids should do one workout, 6 days a week.

Bigs (11-16 year olds):
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats
Run for 8 minutes

Smalls (7-10 year olds):
3 Pull Ups
5 Push Ups
10 Squats
Run for 8 minutes

8 rounds of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds rest:
- Box Jumps
- Sit Ups
- Push Ups
- Squats
- Jumping jacks

5 rounds
10 Box Jumps
10 Pull Ups
10 Second Handstand/Headstand

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

One Less Friend

Give me a chance and you'll see that "someday" I will fly.

The following was written by fellow Beachbody Coach and friend, Lauralee Fisher, and was posted on her Facebook wall this week.  We all have issues, and one of them shouldn't be lack luster friends.  As for me, many of you have expressed some disappointment in my post on Monday.  I am not sorry for posting what I did.   While I am mentioning it, I am also not sorry for my workout / running schedule.  So many of you want to criticize me, but I am very aware of who I am, and I make decisions based on that information, not on your opinion.  I just need you to say "good job" or "I am proud of you", I don't need you to tell me I need "to rest" or that "I over do it" and I sure in the heck don't need anyone telling me a should be engaged by now  (HOLY FRICK!!)  Alright, back to work everyone, the day is young, if I work this right I should be able to piss someone off before 5pm. LOL JK

Posted on Fb on Monday

I am going to be cleaning up my friends list once again on here. The direction I am going in life no longer includes certain people and their personalities. I am not interested in fake friends, people with every issue in the world and people who only talk to me so they can twist stuff around. Take this post as you want to because I know some people do anyways.

Just because I don't post every thought on my mind and post about what stresses me out, etc. doesn't mean I am not working through my own battles too. A true friend would contact me outside of Facebook and not try to discuss something on my wall. It's an ongoing process but through the process, I have become a stronger person with my eye on the prize - the life I always dreamed of.

I don't appreciate it when I share my thoughts with someone and it is then used against me or that person makes judgement on me. This has happened and because of this, I am re evaluating who I share my feelings with because the same people who want to criticize me for choice I have made or things I do, are doing things that in my mind are idiotic stupid. The difference is that I am a friend and realize that sometimes just having someone to vent to is all that is needed.

I don't have to explain myself to anyone. Everyone is fighting their own battle and if it makes someone feel better to try to tear me down to build themselves up - then have at it. These people would have broke me before and made me feel like I was less than I am. That was before.. this is now and I see people for their true colors. Don't lie to me when all I ask for is honesty. Don't pretend to like me if you don't. Don't judge me unless you want me to judge you.

I am tired of negative people always having something to say and I am also tired of people thinking that "just because I didn't post about it on Facebook" something didn't happen. I am not going to post about certain things in my life all over my wall. I realize some people do and I am not judging them for this... but I don't and that is my preference.

I use this to stay in touch with friends and family and to share my passion for fitness. Looking back I feel really awesome for coming as far as I have with my fitness journey thanks to my wonderful friends in fitness and my true friends I know in person. Some people never once encouraged me or said congrats for anything I have done. I am not looking for a big party but at the same time... I get when someone is being rude intentionally. I feel stronger knowing I did it all by myself despite all the negative remarks I received and still do receive regarding my passion for working out and health. A big thank you to all the wonderful people who have supported me!

I have been called selfish for not caring what others think but the truth is that I have learned to love myself and respect myself instead of basing my value on what others "think" about me. There is a difference :)

To contact Lauralee please check out her website

Monday, June 11, 2012

"I Run" Marathon Training Schedule

 Not me!  I go blonde in the summer:)

I think this one is going to be a long post, sorry in advance.  I'll need to give you all some details before I get down to the point of today's ramblings.  I will start by saying "I am a runner."  I mean that both literally and figuratively.  Today's blog is going to have a lot to do with me dating and my relationships so if you don't want to read all that crapola (not a curse word if I put "ola" at the end of it), skip to the bottom where I have posted a beginners guide and schedule to running your first marathon. I post this relationship stuff for my single readers and for my readers who are in a relationship and like to laugh at us sad single people.

Things to remember when reading today's post.  I am a former fatty, yeah I have issues from that.  I am divorced, yep I have issues from that.  The only things I don't have issues from, but sometimes cause other people to have issues, is the fact that I am active LDS and I have 4 great kids.  Yes, I have 4, for those who didn't know.

Time for you to hear the story of my first (and to date only) marathon I have ran.  I ran the St George Marathon last October.  I did not train... at all for the marathon.  I had only been running a few miles a day for a few months. My friends all were excited about the up coming marathon and we all discussed the event the Friday before the race at dinner.  So Saturday, I went on Craigslist and bought a bib off another injured runner.  That's right, I decided one week before the marathon to run the race.  With very little knowledge of how a marathon worked, I ran the race.  I mean what's 26.2 miles right?

The day of the race, I have to say I felt awesome the first 7 miles.  I felt great after the Veyo Hill, which is mile 8 (a difficult hill to run).  And as I neared the half way point in the race I got very excited as I estimated I would finish the race in under 4 1/2 hours, maybe even close to the 4 hour mark.   Then at mile marker 12, I heard and felt a pop right below my right knee.  A sharp pain went up my leg and into my hip.  I tried to shake it off and continued to run.  At mile 16 a took a bathroom break and at that point I knew, I was hurt!  The pain in my knee was getting worse with each step.  Did I finish the race... you know it!  But my time was like 5 1/2 hours. The last mile and took me 40 minutes.

 I went to the doctor's office on Monday and it was discovered that I had an alvusion fracture in my tibia below my right knee.  For those who don't know, an alvusion fracture is when the tendon pulls a fragment of bone away from the main mass.   Yeah, show me a frog and I scream like a little girl but ask me to run a race with a broken bone, no problem.   I am sure if I had trained and been more prepared for the race, I wouldn't of got hurt, I wouldn't have needed physical therapy, I would have made my goal time. 

Alright back to the point of today's post.  So I run.  Not just for exercise, but I run from relationships.  Instead of getting hurt or worse yet, my heart broken, I normally take the easy way out.    I did this in college and I do it now.  I am surprised I ever got married, really! 

I keep telling you all I want someone to chase me, but the truth is, I am afraid that I will run as soon as someone actually wants to get serious.  I am using the blog as a FYI... I am getting ready to run.  I am fighting the urge because I know someone special is right there for me but the process I am facing is difficult.  I hate that I have this feeling to run away from good things. 

Do you know how excited I get when I get a text that says "saw a car just like yours and I found myself wishing really hard it was you in it.."  or when I get a text with a picture of some one's temple recommend card (sweetest pic ever btw!).   These are awesome text to get, they make me feel wanted.  I love hearing that someone wants me to come visit them in SLC or CA.  But as I have that good feeling,  I also feel terrible because I know I can't be that girl right now, for anyone.  I am not ready and I need to take things slow.  I am not prepared for this race yet, and if I just jump into it, I am going to get hurt, I am going to need therapy, and I am not going to reach my goal.  (Ha ha, I knew I could tie it all in with my marathon story).

To the right person, give me time, don't try and rush things, and don't let me rush things.  Make sure I don't listen to fairy tales or the movie Hairspray!  (The fat girl never gets the boy, come on!)  And most important remind me to run towards something special and not away.  I will remind you of the same.

My next marathon, the St George marathon, I will be ready for it!  And I will continue to prepare my heart for "someday."

To be a little melodramatic today I have listened to Sara Evans all day in the office.  Did I mention I am a girl? LOL

I am trying not to run but to fly.

Notes about the training schedule:

Mondays: Most Mondays are rest days. Rest is critical to your recovery and injury prevention efforts, so don't ignore rest days. 

Tuesdays and Thursdays: After your warm up, run at a moderate pace (slightly faster than your long run pace) for the designated mileage. Cool down and stretch after your run.

Wednesdays and Fridays: Do a cross-training (CT) activity (biking, swimming, elliptical trainer, etc.) at easy-to-moderate effort for 30 to 45 minutes. If you're feeling very sluggish or sore on Friday, take a rest day. It's important that you're feeling strong for your Saturday long run.

Saturdays: This is the day for your long slow distance run. Run the designated mileage at an easy, conversational pace. Use your breathing as your guide. You should be able to breathe easily and talk in complete sentences comfortably during your run.

Sundays: This is an active recovery day. Your short run should be at a very easy (EZ), comfortable pace, which helps loosen up your muscles.

Note: You can switch days to accommodate your schedule. Just make sure you don't do two really intense or long workouts two days in a row.

 Beginners' Marathon Training Schedule

1Rest3 miCT3 miRest4 mi3 mi EZ
2Rest3 milesRest3 miCT or Rest5 mi3 mi EZ
3Rest3 miCT4 miCT or Rest6 mi3 mi EZ
4Rest3 miRest4 miCT or Rest4 mi3 mi EZ
5Rest4 miCT4 miCT or Rest6 mi3 mi EZ
6Rest4 milCT4 miCT or Rest8 mi3 mi EZ
7Rest4 miCT4 miCT or Rest10 mi3 mi EZ
8Rest4 miCT4 miCT or Rest8 mi3 mi EZ
9Rest4 miCT4 miCT or Rest12 miRest
104 mi EZ4 miRest4 miCT or Rest10 mi3 mi EZ
11Rest4 miCT4 miCT or Rest14 mi3 mi EZ
12Rest5 miCT5 miCT or Rest10 mi3 mi EZ
13Rest4 miCT5 miCT or Rest16 mi3 mi EZ
14Rest4 miCT5 miCT or Rest12 mi3 mi EZ
15Rest4 miCT5 miCT or Rest18 miRest
163 mi EZ5 miRest6 miCT or Rest12 mi3 mi EZ
17Rest4 miCT6 miCT or Rest20 mi3 mi EZ
18Rest4 miCT4 miCT or Rest12 mi3 mi EZ
19Rest3 mi20 minutes3 miCT or Rest8 mi3 mi EZ
20Rest2 mi20 minutesRest Day20 minutesRace Day!Rest Day!

Friday, June 8, 2012

"Bell" Workout

Alright Fatletes, vocab time!  DTR!! Define the relationship.  I am told this is a common acronym in Mormon dating.  How the heck did I not know this?!

I think the bell is working for me

I thought we would DTR our relationship (the relationship between you (my reader) and myself.  So I am a blogger which is defined as " a person who thinks what they say actually matters to the masses, and suffers from ideas of grandeur."  You are a "person who finds inspiration in my weight-loss, superiority in your spelling and grammar skills (when compared to mine), and humor in my pitiful love life."  Yeah, you read other blogs, but I tell myself, "my blog is the one you love the most, and that some day we plan on having a serious committed relationship in which you stalk me via Facebook and Twitter."  

In time, our relationship will become disastrous (give it about 3 to 9 months), ending in acrimony, emotional chaos, and possibly legal proceedings.  Which is the only proper way to end a relationship such as ours.

Until we reach the end of our relationship, I am completely smitten with all of you (but I too see other bloggers on the side).  Each time you read the blog I feel butterflies in my stomach and it keeps me obsessively checking the blog stats.  

Kettle Bell Workout and my bell related video.  Yeah, because I can hear the bells LOL (How to perform each exercise is listed below the video)

1.  Kettlebell Pullthroughs, 15 reps, 30 seconds rest
2. Beyond the Range Push-ups, 20 reps, 30 seconds rest
3.  Kettlebell Clean & Press, 12 reps each arm, 30 seconds rest
4. Lunge and Reach, 15 reps, 30 seconds rest
5. Russian Kettlebell Twists, 15 reps
You can repeat the workout if you still have some energy or some extra time

Kettlebell Pullthroughs (lower body)

How to Perform: Position your feet in a slightly wider than shoulder width stance.  Grab the two kettlebells and get them moving in a pendulum motion.  As the kettlebells move back between the legs, you have to bend the knees and absorb the momentum before reversing the movement with a powerful hip extension.
Benefits: Strengthen posterior chain and build explosiveness in the legs.

Beyond the Range Push-ups (upper body)

How to Perform: Perform a normal push-up while holding on top of the kettlebells.  Really squeeze the handles to make sure the kb’s stay in place.  Squeeze the glutes and remain rigid in a straight line position while you lower (eccentric) and drive (concentric) throughout the movement.
Benefits: Strengthening the shoulders, chest and triceps in a full range of motion (ROM)

Kettlebell Clean & Press (full body)

How to Perform: Perform a one arm kettlebell swing to get the kettlebell into a racked position. Once in place, drive the kb overhead and lock it out.  Return the weight to the racked position and back down into the swing.  Repeat.
Benefits: Strengthening the entire body including the legs, core, shoulders and back.

Lunge and Reach (bodyweight exercise)

How to Perform: Lunge forward while keeping an upright torso.  The reach should be done toward the side where the lead leg is forward.  Drive back to a standing position and repeat.
Benefits: Activating the quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes while stabilizing the core and knee.  The reach of the movement stretches the same side IT band, lats and shoulders.

Russian Kettlebell Twists (core exercise)

How to Perform: Sit upright with your knees bent and legs together.  Grab the kettlebell and rotate it back and forth touching the ground on your left and right sides.
Benefits: Strengthening the core, shoulders, biceps and upper back.

Monday, June 4, 2012

The "You Pissed Me Off" Workout

Alright, I've decided to make some rules for my blog.  Rule #1 I will post every Monday and every Friday.  And every post is going to have a workout.  Don't worry I will still include all the stupid personal stuff some of you love.  Workouts will be posted at the bottom... so you'll have to read the personal crap too HA!

 Not me, but some girl running because she has a  friend that is a well meaning  "A" hole.  LOL JK

Today's workout is being brought to by my BFF and the letter "L"   "L"  as in, I still love you, even if you piss me off!!  Yeah... our little Fb conversation yesterday made me mad (insert my unhappy face here).

I truly appreciate that my BFF and my friends that are concerned about my love life and who I am dating but it's my life, not yours, and I need you to quit waiting for me to need you.  Quit waiting for me to fail.  If I lose my way, don't be waiting to point it out.   I need you as a friend, only a friend, and I don't need you to rescue me.  I don't need saved!  I am pretty sure I have covered that subject in a previous post.

Here is another letter for you BFF... "F"   Like as in, I don't want to "F" up the next relationship.  I am looking to get married again, not another divorce.  I can't imagine another alimony payment right now, the thought of that kind of makes me want to puke.  I'm looking for a husband and life partner not another tax deduction.  (LOL ok really that one made me laugh)

I know everyone means well but please don't drag me into these weird conversations, which probably don't have much to do with me at all, but your problems with commitment and relationships.  Don't make your issues my issues.

I admit, I have never been known to be patient, and love to do everything fast... run fast, talk fast, drive fast...but I know jumping into a full on relationship and just running with it... is a bad idea! I am not desperate for a ring on my finger, really!  Anyways, if  I wanted that, I can afford to buy myself one.

I am going to take it slow.  Sometimes that feels like my choice and sometimes it feels like other people's choices but it's what is right.  As long as I am not going backwards and always forward, I'm good.  

I am generally a happy girl, never want to be a mean girl, and I consider myself easy going, sooo let me be... easy going.  I am having fun dating, taking care of my kids, and hanging out with my friends.  When it's time to commit, I'll commit and I will do so with no regrets and knowing that there is no one else but that one guy.  So BFF and other friends, please don't try and work me up over things that I shouldn't even be thinking about right now.

I give my relationships a lot of thought and I do a lot of praying.  Yeah! What do you think I am doing when I am out running all those crazy miles?  I am praying!  Your suggestions are great but I think I'll stick to letting Heavenly Father guide me. 

If your BFF, spouse, significant other, sibling, kids, parents, or co-worker pissed you off today, well here you go.  For today's workout you'll need to head to the track.


Run as fast as you can the straight aways of the track.  Don't think, just run.  I mean really, as fast as you can!

Walk the curves and pray.  

Repeat 40 times.

Yeah, I'm not kidding.  40 times!!  That's a total of 10 miles.  You'll be too tired to still be mad after you are done.  I don't believe in staying mad, holding grudges, or having regret.  I have a runners Zen.

This song may induce speeding both on the track and while driving.  How do you think I know my truck does great at 120mph.  

If I make a mistake will you still call me Superwoman?  Sure you will:)

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Humble Me Workout

First, I think I am in a relationship with the St George police department.  I see them almost every weekend, and it must be getting serious because last night I got to see their big guns (Whoo Hoo!). But I don't think it's going to work out because I think they see other girls. LOL  No, really, for those who don't know there was a small security breach here at Cascade Canyon, but I got a killer Yorkie and my boyfriends in blue, so everything is all good.  LOL

Last night I was asked what humbles me and it was a very difficult question to answer.  If you all didn't know I am a conceded, and often vain, and I am not proud of that, I know I can be a bit full of myself sometimes.  I write a blog for heaven's sake... I am an attention whore.  I know I have issues LOL

 Yeah I think I am cute... it's a problem... but then I realize I have no boobs LOL

But here is my answer to what keeps me humble ... my kids, my fellow fatletes, and every time I look at my fat pictures.   And then I have those people in my life that tell me "no", or tell me to stop my "bull shiz", or just call me a "nerd".  Heck, I'm not even allowed to pout most of the time, and when I try, I get no sympathy, at all!  These people keep me humble and remind me I have work to do on myself.

I do feel like a Superwoman, but I am a perfectly imperfect one.  I have worked hard to change my life but  I have had a great support network and I have Heavenly Father.  I never forget where I have came from that I have a long ways to go.  I am working on being a better person, a better mom, a better daughter, a better friend, and that is what makes a Superwoman... working on it.

So to remind me that I still have work to do on my body here is a workout that should kick my vain little butt into shape.  Ready for this one!

You'll need a pull up bar for this...  we are going to do some hanging core exercises. (you can order a pull bar from my site

25 push ups (I don't care how you do them, just get them done)
10 windshield wipers using the bar (this is a core exercise)
25 climbing the mountain (don't you stop!)
25 standing side oblique crunches
10 straight leg raises (again use the bar and go all the way up, not half L's)
25 Squats
25 jumping jacks
10 knee raises (use the bar)
25 burpees

Repeat this 4 times, non stop!!!!

Do you feel like you just had your butt handed to you?  Well you have been humbled.  This kicked my butt and again I got work to do on myself!

This one is for the St G police... No it's really for someone else HA!