Monday, June 4, 2012

The "You Pissed Me Off" Workout

Alright, I've decided to make some rules for my blog.  Rule #1 I will post every Monday and every Friday.  And every post is going to have a workout.  Don't worry I will still include all the stupid personal stuff some of you love.  Workouts will be posted at the bottom... so you'll have to read the personal crap too HA!

 Not me, but some girl running because she has a  friend that is a well meaning  "A" hole.  LOL JK

Today's workout is being brought to by my BFF and the letter "L"   "L"  as in, I still love you, even if you piss me off!!  Yeah... our little Fb conversation yesterday made me mad (insert my unhappy face here).

I truly appreciate that my BFF and my friends that are concerned about my love life and who I am dating but it's my life, not yours, and I need you to quit waiting for me to need you.  Quit waiting for me to fail.  If I lose my way, don't be waiting to point it out.   I need you as a friend, only a friend, and I don't need you to rescue me.  I don't need saved!  I am pretty sure I have covered that subject in a previous post.

Here is another letter for you BFF... "F"   Like as in, I don't want to "F" up the next relationship.  I am looking to get married again, not another divorce.  I can't imagine another alimony payment right now, the thought of that kind of makes me want to puke.  I'm looking for a husband and life partner not another tax deduction.  (LOL ok really that one made me laugh)

I know everyone means well but please don't drag me into these weird conversations, which probably don't have much to do with me at all, but your problems with commitment and relationships.  Don't make your issues my issues.

I admit, I have never been known to be patient, and love to do everything fast... run fast, talk fast, drive fast...but I know jumping into a full on relationship and just running with it... is a bad idea! I am not desperate for a ring on my finger, really!  Anyways, if  I wanted that, I can afford to buy myself one.

I am going to take it slow.  Sometimes that feels like my choice and sometimes it feels like other people's choices but it's what is right.  As long as I am not going backwards and always forward, I'm good.  

I am generally a happy girl, never want to be a mean girl, and I consider myself easy going, sooo let me be... easy going.  I am having fun dating, taking care of my kids, and hanging out with my friends.  When it's time to commit, I'll commit and I will do so with no regrets and knowing that there is no one else but that one guy.  So BFF and other friends, please don't try and work me up over things that I shouldn't even be thinking about right now.

I give my relationships a lot of thought and I do a lot of praying.  Yeah! What do you think I am doing when I am out running all those crazy miles?  I am praying!  Your suggestions are great but I think I'll stick to letting Heavenly Father guide me. 

If your BFF, spouse, significant other, sibling, kids, parents, or co-worker pissed you off today, well here you go.  For today's workout you'll need to head to the track.


Run as fast as you can the straight aways of the track.  Don't think, just run.  I mean really, as fast as you can!

Walk the curves and pray.  

Repeat 40 times.

Yeah, I'm not kidding.  40 times!!  That's a total of 10 miles.  You'll be too tired to still be mad after you are done.  I don't believe in staying mad, holding grudges, or having regret.  I have a runners Zen.

This song may induce speeding both on the track and while driving.  How do you think I know my truck does great at 120mph.  

If I make a mistake will you still call me Superwoman?  Sure you will:)

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