Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Disclaimers, Waivers, and Releases

Ohh, again this blog has caused me drama.  So I need to clear up a few matters, again, this morning.

It is called fatletes (Fat + athlete = fatlete).  Not divorceletes (although I did try to register that name this am LOL), and I might just start adding “lete” to the end of every word today just for fun.  You try it too.

The fatlete blog, since my divorce, has been the forum to discuss something other than exercise and diet.  I wanted this to be a place for people to think about the reasons they are overweight, because there is never a simple reason.  This site is for me.  It helps me deal with my issues, of which I doubt I am the only one with issues.  I have loyal followers who I love, and I have critics who send me mean emails and text, I can deal with both.

This site may not be for your average person.  If you are 5 lbs overweight, yes, I can help you lose those 5lbs as a coach, but no, I don’t think you are fat.  I doubt you need to ponder any of the crapola (not a curse word if I add “ola” to the end of it) I mention is my posts.

It has been mentioned that is seems like I hate fat people in my post.  Ummm, again, nooo!  I am not even sure where to start on that, let’s just say, if I hated fat people it would be wrong on multi levels.  I don’t hate anyone; we all have our problems, and “fat” use to be one of mine.

I have been told I am mean on my post.  Not mean, honest.  I try to say the things that everyone else thinks, or has said, at one point in their life.  If the tone comes across as mean, well then that is how you are reading it, not me.

I am also going to take a moment to address my Facebook posts which often can be about working out.  Well, I work out a lot.  I run a lot!  So it pops into my status a lot.  I know why I work out and run so much.  It makes me feel better.  If you haven’t heard I just got divorced!  I need something that makes me feel better and gives me time to think.  Running does that for me.  A friend told me she did the same thing during her divorce, because it is the one thing you can control, when things might feel out of control and I totally agree with that. 

To address those who say I am pushing them away or out of my life.  I’m not!  But I also realized when I started the divorce process how this would all work.  Some of you would choose sides and not everyone would choose my side.  I can’t push you out of my life if you haven’t called, texted, or messaged me, but you have Gary (ex-husband for those who don’t know).  For those who have reached out to me, thank you, and I think we can all agree I have welcomed you in my life. For those who reached out to Gary (and only Gary), thank you, he needs you too.

As always if you don’t like the blog, don’t read it, and I am glad that your life is super-duper, and that you can throw the first stone.  Fabulous!

Curvyfit!  Wish I had boobs LOL

Monday, February 27, 2012

You Are Awesome!

I got an awesome comment last night from someone who called me ever name in the book and told me what a skinny b!tch I was, and proceeded to tell me what a bad Mom I am.  It seems this person it also on my facebook.  Awesome!  So to whoever you are, first you are a coward for leaving the anonymous comment on my blog.  You need to unfriend me on facebook, and I am sorry you feel so much self hate that you need to take it out on me.  Don't like the blog or me, then feel free to go away!

Self hate sucks...just saying

Rock the day Fatletes and you too F#cklete (that was Mr or Mrs Anonymous's name on the comment)

Hey F#cklete I bet you can't do this.  I can LOL

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Fat and Happy, The Lie

Today, a friend who has also lost a lot of weight over the past year mentioned she too is unhappy in her marriage and thinks it may be time to call it quits (as I recently did). So my question today is, why do former fatties end their long term relationships?  Do we think we are better than our partner?

The simple answer...maybe.  I am sure there are those relationships were one person feels superior to the other for their weight loss, and I find that sad.  In my case and maybe the case of my friend, I think it is you realize that you may have been fat because the relationship made you unhappy.  

Now don't get me wrong, I was fat because of my actions, I stuffed my face and was inactive. But maybe I did those things to fill the void I had in my heart.  Maybe I was hoping the chocolate cake would love me back and it never did.  Well it loved my ass because it stuck to it like glue. LOL

Everyone wants to think of the fat person as happy but fat people have to be some of the saddest people around.  Food can not fill the emotional void.  

Sorry to be sooo serious this am everyone.  Just thought I would put this out there for you to ponder this Sunday morning.     

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Earning It

A dear friend from my childhood recently got engaged and now must spend a year apart from her fiance because of his work (military).  She recently posted on facebook that her and her fiance would work hard at the long distance relationship and earn that trip down the aisle.  Earn it!  I love that!

So many of us spend time feeling entitled to everything including love and money.  That's why I love fitness, because it is one of those things you have to earn, you can't just fall into it (like love) and you can't get it through a lottery (like money).  It is something you have to work hard at, as are all things that are really worth having.

To my friend, I am so happy you are earning that trip down the aisle.  You are so wonderful and this man is so lucky to have met you.  Rock his world Rosie!

Right now, I am working on earning my happiness and my someday (and I will say it is really hard).  I have already earned my fitness but I won't take that for granted, that is something I must work on everyday for the rest of my life.

Earn it today!

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Blame Game

Hello my Fatletes, it's Friday and let's get this thing written so that we can enjoy our weekend.  I am writing this blog from the road, literally, I am in the shuttle on the way to the airport.  I am on my way to my best friends house for the weekend. 

This is not me, I will post a picture with the doggies later.

I told my friend when I get to her house tonight I would take her dogs for a run, so if you are in Southern Oregon, and see a girl being dragged by two large dogs down the street, hey, that's me, please give me a wave and call 911 if I look like I am bleeding.  I always love to hear from followers (fatletes) even if it is while getting road rash.

So let's talk about the blame game.  We all play it.  We all justify our actions with it.  Blaming others for our short comings or our actions (or lack there of), it helps us get through the day. 

Imagine the blame as a mirror because that is what it is.  In the mirror as you point the finger you will just be pointing at yourself.  I just know I have a few people in my life that are going to say "I told you so" after they read this. I know, I know!  Some of you are always right, except when you're not.

One of my business partners gave me some marketing education materials about persuasion.  In the materials it basically discussed how you can have people do anything for you if you assist them in throwing stones at others.  That's the blame game, that is you getting a team together to play the blame game (yeah the blame game can be a team sport and should be broadcast on ESPN).

You might not realize it but I have used this technique in this blog. I tell you that you're fat because of the terrible food that is being sold, that your thyroid is out of whack, it is societies issues, or lack of education, but it is just me helping you blame others.  All I have to do is confirm your suspicions about someone or something and then help you throw stones and before you know it we have made a connection. The problem with the blame game is that it often leads to big fat lies and untruths.  Either the lies we tell others or the ones we tell ourselves (both are wrong if you were not clear).

As always I will spend my day working on me because I cannot change others.  I will take responsibility for my shortcomings (of which there are many) and just be me.  I am happy to say I know who I am, I know what I want, and I cannot be anything else.  The only people here on earth I answer to are my kids.  I will do anything for them and they are my true loves.  My kids are the reason I lost the weight, they are the reason I work so hard, they are the reason I breath.  My kids consume my day, my thoughts, and my heart and help me put blame aside.

Later today I will post more about my diet.  Many of you have asked and I would like to share with you what a typical day for me looks like.  I think this will help prove to some, that yes, I do eat.

Check out Beachbody for workouts www.beachbodycoach.com/amycobine

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

In Case You Were Wondering If I Was Crazy

In case you didn't know what thin and fit look like.

So everyone wants to know how I became a size 0 and what my workout schedule looks like.  Ok well here is a glimpse inside my crazy head and how I shed 90lbs over the past 20 months.  I post these on my fit page on facebook too if you every need to be added. 

Hey, There is Muscle Under That Belly Jelly

I know I normally do not post work outs but it is time to show you the crazy crap I do that has taken me from size 16 to size 0, and it the reason I have a 23 inch waist.

Here is one my ab workout of which I do 2-3 times a week (do not do this every day!!).   Please stay in control and feel all your muscles while doing this workout.  Take a break when you need to and modify as needed.  This is hard and is not for everyone.  Add handweights if you want to take to the next level (which I know you all do).

50 Crunches
25 In and Outs
25 Bicycles (forward)
25 Bicycles (backward)
25 Crunchie frogs
25 Wide leg sit ups
25 Fifer scissors (straight leg and go slow)
25 Hip Rock'n Raise
25 Heels to heaven
25 V-Ups
25 Oblique v -Ups  right side
25 Oblique v -Ups  left side
12 Leg Climbs right side
12 Leg Climbs left side
40 mason twists

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Work That Flab Fatty

So in the past two days I have had tons of questions about skin, and at least one conversation could have had the potential to turn dark because there was Silence of the Lambs references made.  Skin is a huge issue for us former fatties.
I have previously written about lotions and procedures to help skin get its bounce back but I wanted to reiterate that the best thing you can do for your skin is put muscle underneath it.   When I first started working out, I remember doing planks and looking down at my stomach and being totally horrified.  My flat tummy would suddenly hang down, and not with a cute little bump, but vertical lines of skin hanging there. I truly thought it was always going to look like that.  But after 6 months of getting leaner and a million different type of ab exercises the skin no longer hangs on me, it stays flat (can I get a thank you Jesus!) LOL

Give your body time and muscle, both will go a long way in the fight against the flab.
On a final note I want to thank everyone for their emails and comments of support and love as I start the process of divorce.  Details have been worked out today and Gary and I both hope for a smooth transition.  I think Gary and I can be friends and do well as parents after all is said and done…but then again I am Mrs. Optimistic and could just be totally wrong (it has happened before LOL).

Monday, February 20, 2012

So Now I Get To Be A Single Former Fatty.

To some people’s dismay I blog about my life, my feelings, and the general blah that can make up one’s life.  So, I think it is time for me to discuss my marriage on here.  My marriage of almost15 years is ending.  A few years ago I realized something wasn’t right with it, and as time has went by it has been clear it is not the marriage I wanted.  Gary, my husband, soon to be ex-husband says this whole thing blindsided him but the truth is he just wasn’t listening over the past year when I said “things had to change or I had to go.”  FYI, Gary blogged about this somewhere on BlogSpot, and the blog is total crap (no offense Gary).
So what do I do from here?  Well first I run longer and I work harder and most importantly I just take care of my children.  Tomorrow I become sole shareholder of all the corporations as part of the divorce agreement, which works out as I founded all the companies. 

I was told today that I cannot multi task my way through this divorce.  Ummm, WRONG!  Divorce is hard, and I am not stupid, but I know that I am freaking superwoman!!  That’s right, freaking superwoman!  And I have not been treated as such and the fact that is bringing me to this divorce.  As soon as all the men in my life realize I can do it all and want it all, the better off we will be.  LOL   I have been devalued, taken for granted, emotional abused, and neglected way too long.  See being treated like crap happens when you are thin too.
Again, you ask, what will Amy do from here?  Well this weekend I am going to go run a race and spend some much needed time with my gays (you know, my gay boyfriends).  Every girl needs her gays; they help keep everything in check including my hair and style.

I want to say thank you to all my friends that have been so nice to check in on me and thanks to my friends that try to make me laugh and smile.  And for those of you wondering, no there isn’t someone else in my life, but there is the idea of someone else and for now that is enough.  I realize Gary would like you to think otherwise but just because he says it, does not make it true.  
I guess this too shall pass (I really hate that saying).  You know, a few years ago a boy I dated in high school sent me a Facebook message with an apology.  It was very nice and just said he was sorry about how he had treated me back when we dated because I had been so sweet to him and he didn’t appreciate it ( I actually have heard similar apologies like this before from guys I dated in high school and college).  I wrote him back and told him that it was ok, because 17 year old hearts heal quickly.  Well now I know 34 year old hearts heal too.    

Sunday, February 19, 2012

90 lbs and Counting

So as of today I have lost 90lbs and I now weigh 100lb.  I actually didn't mean to weigh this little or to be this small.   I am a bit afraid I will go into the double digits as I am afraid to be too thin.  I am not a skinny fat person, I have a ton of muscle but at this point I must gain 5 lbs.  I will work on that.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Chicken Wings and Other Things That Flap

Writing this blog kind of makes me feel like Oprah, except I don’t have more money than god and this blog will not make one of these companies widely popular (most already are).  Sorry to disappoint any of the companies mentioned below.

All the products mentioned here have helped me with (drum role please) skin issues.  Yep, sorry to tell you all that if you are over age 30 and you lose weight (especially a lot of weight) you will be faced with a whole new problem.  Skin!!!  Extra skin, or skin that has lost its bounce.  You might have chicken wings or a soggy bottom.  Grossed out yet?  I get a little grossed out thinking about it myself and then I get a little mad at myself for mistreating my body for so long that I now have these issues. 
This is not a shopping list for food or anything like that just cosmetics and other great products to keep all my fatletes looking young and beautiful.  I know you all are already looking good because muscle looks good on everyone and being fit truly will keep you looking and feeling younger.
I am also not going to cover surgical procedures for skin removal or tightening as there are too numerous to count and I am not a doctor.  Surgical procedures need to be done with licensed plastic surgeon and there are many risks involved and it can be expensive.  Surgery is not for everyone or does everyone need it, however if diet and exercise have taken you as far are you can, and my tricks don't help, then you may want to consult with a plastic surgeon.  For myself, I could use a pair of boobs right now but truth is I am really scared, so I will continue to get help from my friends over at Victoria’s Secret.

If your face is looking a little old or saggy or in my case hollow I can tell you I love Botox, Juvaderm, and my new favorite is Sculptra (it's putting the fat back in my face!).  I do find these products and procedures a bit addictive.  I swear I could be the next Karen Walker (Will & Grace) and if someone offered me a syringe full of rotten mayonnaise that sat on a stoop in Chinatown for a month and told me it would make me look younger I would totally say “give me two.”  I suggest you take a minute to visit your local Med Spa as they offer many treatments and products to help with all types of skin issues.  My local Med Spa should put me on speed dial for every new product and procedure because they know I am down for whatever.

Alright on to the lotions and potions that you need to keep the body looking good.

Nivea Skin Firming Lotion – this stuff works and if you can find a lotion with copper in it, use that too.  Make sure to use at least twice daily, you will see results.

SkinCeuticals Retinol 1.0 (also comes in .5)  - Everyone ask me why I don’t have any little lines around my eyes or mouth, it’s because I use this stuff every night.  Oh I was starting to get the fines lines and after about 2 weeks of this stuff they were gone and have never seen a sign of them coming back since.  I won’t lie, this stuff isn’t cheap.  1 oz runs between $65 to $90 but it is worth every cent.
Beauty isn't cheap.

Nivea Cellulite Serum and Lotion – This stuff really helps the back of the legs.  I use it daily.  Make sure to massage deep into your trouble areas.
Wallgreen’s Stretch Mark Cream – I think Nivea has a similar produce reduce the appearance of stretch marks but it is like $40 for about 5 oz compared to Wallgreen’s version at $20  I have used this stuff and the marks left by the fat have faded.

Maui Babe Browning Lotion – Ok this one will not help your skin with anything except tanning, but most of look better with a tan.  This all natural fast acting tanning lotion is the best!  It actually recommends wearing sun screen under their product because it works so fast.  Now you all know how I get so tan when I go to Hawaii.

Mico Needler Roller – You can buy one of these mid-evil looking rollers to roll on your skin (face and body) and it will in poke holes in you (try ebay).  That’s right you will bleed a little and you have to do it often but it works.  It will increase your collagen production which will increase skin fighting and helpings with scars and stretch marks. This one is a bit painful and I always have a rash afterwards while the pin holes heal.

Body Scrubs - Like the roller body scrubs will help some with collagen and it will remove the dead skin making your skin look smoother instead of looking liks a plate of cottage cheese (oh you all knew I was going to mention cottage cheese at least one time in this post, how could I not.)

Compression Garments – Let’s get real, if you are still a fatty or have ever been a fatty you have already wore something similar to a compression garment (Spanx) so don’t stop wearing them yet.  Get a smaller pair or buy a real compression garment from an online medical supplier and wear it as tight as you can.  Give it about 2-3 months and as you become more fit it will help with tighting of the  skin and offer your body support.  I use to wear mine while I worked out, so I got the support, and it made me sweat more, so I was burning even more calories.

That’s it for Friday everyone. So I want to end with this link to this incredible inappropriate song that is great to do brupees to  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sO_QntXc-c4  .  I think I will go do burpees, lifting, and then I am off to Vegas for shopping, this fatlete needs some new clothesJ

Thursday, February 16, 2012

A Big Fat Apology...Kind Of

So I have been told my blog has offended someone…Again! Yeah, it’s not the first time.  So part of me wants to apologize and the other part of me wants to tell everyone to take a flying leap. 
In the beginning of my weight loss, I blogged just for me, and I blogged only my Beachbody site.  It was a way for me to deal with my issues.  I was 190lbs people, I clearly had issues. Then people told me they were reading my blogs, a lot!  People would quote my blogs and they told me the words I wrote helped, helped them deal with their weight and their issues. Wow!

Now I would agree, I use my Mormon swear words way too much, and we all know that it is still a form of swearing, and for that I do apologize.  The pictures I post are often suggestive and mostly half naked women, but they are fit woman, and I consider them fitspiration, so I won’t apologize for that.  The women in the pictures are just models and the pictures are from other sites (yeah I’m hacking other sites LOL)  I have started posting video links, mostly stupid crap I find on youtube (not at all rated G), and no I don’t know how to embed the video properly yet, I am working on that. Not really going to change that either because most of the time it’s just funny.  The videos are often the stupid songs I have in my head when I writing the blogs.  Consider the videos and musical references as an insight to the running musical going on in my head (Musical called “Just Amy” and I always say with jazz hands).

Only other way I can assume I may have offended others, is that I do make it clear that I am not a perfect Mormon girl.  So please do not take anything I say in this blog to represent my faith, my church, or other Mormons.  Just like everyone else, Mormons are all different, and I in no way represent my church, and although I am a card carrying member (temple worthy) there are some Sundays I am lucky if I make it to sacrament meeting before sacrament is actually is given.    

I use my fatlete site to help me, and I use it to help those who want my help.  I am direct, to the point, and not always nice.  Life isn’t always nice or fair so why sugar coat it (avoid sugar coated anything LOL).  If you don’t like the blog, don’t read it, unfriend me from Facebook, don’t follow my Pintrest, and don’t text me.  Yep, one of my blogs caused someone to text me and I had to tell that person “DON”T TEXT ME” (I felt like a lame 15 year old when it happened).
Well it looks like I have apologized and told my critics off all in one blog, ahhh, I love when I can have it all. LOL

Rock the day my Fatletes!!! And here is some Fitspiration.  Warning may be considered offensive!
Maybe my critics are just jealous, and jealousy is ugly.  Just saying...
If anyone would like to offend me, please post a picture of your jelly roll or muffin top.
Another girl rocking a workout.  I wonder what my critics are doing right now?  Probably sleeping.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Fat Girl's Heart

So today should be a day full of fun and love but I kind of feel like it's just a day full of chocolate.  Chocolate can be fun but not when it makes your butt look huge, not so fun, unless you like being talked about like you are some rap guy's girlfriend.  LOL (oh yeah I had to reference that song at least once on this blog site).


Seriously, today I am missing something and it being Valentine's day kind of makes me feel worse.  STUPID HOLIDAY!  My fat girl heart tells me to find something to eat (the kids have a crap load of candy I could eat) and lay down.  But the rest of me says go for a run, go do 100 burpees, or go do crunches until I can't stand up straight.  So that's my plan, I am going to work it! 

If you are not feeling a little sad and lonely today, like me (thanks for feeling bad for me), well then go run, go do 100 burpees, or crunches until you can't stand up straight and be thankful for the loves in your life.  Yep, I think exercise is the cure for everything, ha!  Happy Valentines Day everyone from my fat girl heart and skinny butt.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Be Strong, Be A Fatlete

Fatletes I just want to encourage you to be strong this week.  Be the person who you know deep down in side you can be.  Be strong, be beautiful, be smart, be talented, and rock this week with the confidence only a Fatlete can.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Who Is The Girl Under The Fat?

As we approach Valentine’s Day and as it is Sunday I think it is a great time to talk about relationships, food, and weight loss.  I will start with my disclaimer, I am not a therapist, and I have no idea how to make someone else’s relationship work, I struggle with my own the same as everyone else.  Feel free to skip this blog if everything in your life is just super-duper.

When your husband asks 'Why are you doing this?" Tell him it is so you can be hot and sexy for him and so that he can actually sweep you off your feet without braking his back.

For the rest of us, guess what?  Relationships take work!  I know it totally sucks.  I hope I didn’t just ruin some poor single girl’s dream of someday falling in love and everything being perfect.  And for you single fat girls, I got even worse news, as you lose the weight the relationship will change.
See as you work on your food issues the reason you became a fatty, other issues begin to present themselves.  Issues you didn’t know you had or issues you tried to make better by eating an entire carton of ice cream.  Those issues range from problems with communicating to depression.  And as you find new ways to deal with the food you will need to find new ways to cope with your stress and problem (may I suggest exercise).

But then what if you find out a relationship you have was based on the issues you now no longer have?  What if, your relationship is based on food?
Story time...

Once upon a time a little fatty named Amy had a friend who loved to drink wine (lots of wine).  One day Amy told her friend that she no longer drank wine and had became LDS.  Amy’s friend freaked out! ( I mean really, this girl lost it).  The girl said “What are we going to do together?”  Amy said “It’s ok, we can still hang out and you drink if you like, I just won’t.”  Truth was, Amy never really drank at all, she just had the glass in front of her.  After Amy told her friend she would no longer drink with her, the friend never called or emailed her again. Ever!

See that is a friendship was built on drinking and I didn’t even know it until I took the wine out of the equation.
Story time again…

One upon a time a family’s life revolved around food.  The end.

Did that sound like your families story?  It use to be mine.  See I noticed about a year ago that much of what my family did on day to day bases revolved around food.  Even when we were on vacation the first order of each day was to decide what we would do for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.   Your life based on your feeding schedule is no way to live, unless you are a newborn baby.

I have written before that family support is needed during the process of weight loss but I have noticed family members are often the first to sabotage too.  I really don’t think they mean too, but they are scared of the unknown.  What if they lose their eating buddy?  What if under the sweet fat girl exterior lies a skinny mean b!tch.  What if?
Have I changed since my weight loss?  Yes, a course I have, and I don’t know if all the changes have been good.  I am more confident, I am sure that can be a problem sometimes.  I am more scheduled and get very irritated when that schedule is interrupted.  I may also be ruder, and I will apologize now for that.

So what will be your weight loss story?  Who will you be?
Now I can’t believe I am about to say this but, we can’t predict the future, so it’s hard to say how the weight loss will shape your personality, your emotions, and your new way of dealing with life.  By the way, I really hate myself for even writing “we can’t predict the future” (BS), but we can try and hope for the best and as a couple in a relationship you must grow. Weight loss and the road to fitness isn’t easy for many reasons, one of them being there can be these huge roadblocks in the way and sometimes the roadblocks are our families.   

If your family is making the path more difficult, you will need to have some honest conversations with them, discuss their fears and make them aware of the roadblocks they are causing.  Once you have discussed their fears you can move on or work at change together.
Fatletes for V-Day may I suggest telling your partner buy you some flowers for the holiday not chocolates and for date night tell them you would rather go hiking than go out to eat.

Tell him you are making yourself epic and you will be the girl all his friends wished they had. 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Anyone Else Need A Pedicure?

So if you are like me and just not feeling great today, here is my suggestions.  Work harder and run farther.  What's the worse that can happen?  You might make more money and you get faster.

Run until your legs hurt and all your other pains and problems disappear.

And if all else fails go get a pedicure. LOL  I had my toes done in blue today.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Woot Woot it's Friday!

Alright so originally this blog was supposed to be a shopping blog which I will totally post tomorrow, and deep down inside me a blog about relationships is building, I can feel it.  Until then let’s discuss, going out.  It’s Friday night!!!  (Start the music please, found at the bottom of the page)

It’s Friday night and what are you going to do?  Here is what you shouldn’t do, don’t belly up to the buffet or the bar.  Why?  Well a ton of reasons. 
I bet this girl doesn't frequent buffets.
First, I like to think of a buffet as a pig trough.  I just heard you "gasp" in disapproval at me.  I know it sounds gross but that is how you have to think about these things.  I actually heard this term from a friend’s dad, and I was totally offended.  You know why?  Because ole’ fatty me liked the buffet.  It was easy, the kids liked it, and it’s fast but now I know that no matter what I am going to eat too much.  The food isn’t really home cooked, no matter what that stupid name of the place may suggest, and you are going to feel guilty if you do not go through the line at least twice.  Yeah, I know that is how most of us work, we want our money’s worth right?  But hey, frequent visits to the buffet will cost you more in personal trainers and gym membership so you won't actually get your money's worth…  ohhh so sad and so true.

Bellying up to the bar?  I am all for going out with friends, but I just want everyone to remember that there are plenty of calories in alcoholic drinks and that stuff is pure sugar and carbs.  Some is ok, too much is baaad!  And with your beer goggles on you might take home a big fat juicy burger instead of the juicy girl.  LOL  Again, so sad and so true.
Everyone have a great night, have fun, and be safe and here is video for you. 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Objectify Me

"I am a runner. I run in rain or shine. Light or darkness. I run until I cry, collapse or until I feel like I cannot go on. And then I go another mile. Because I am a runner. I am unstoppable. Unbeatable. Untouchable."

With yesterday's issues behind me I am back to my confident smart ass ways.  

Step Away From The Cupcake!

So if you didn’t gather from yesterday’s post I was having a bad day.  Yeah, it happens, even to me Mrs. Optimistic.  A friend posted about needing to see more self loathing in weight loss blogs and so here it goes, yesterday I felt like I had accomplished nothing at work or at home.  I didn't feel pretty.  And I felt like I just wasn't good enough.  Yep, this happens when you are a fatty and when you are a former fatty.

So what did I do?  I ran.   That’s right I ran!!!  Just thinking about it puts the Black Eyed Peas in my head.  Let's get is started!

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/IKqV7DB8Iwg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
So I know I have discussed a runner's high before, totally a real thing, but I just wanted to ask you; When the last time you found an answer to any of your problems in a cupcake?  When has that cupcake ever helped you feel better about yourself and helped you deal with your insecurities? 

If you have found answers to any of lifes questions in a cupcake either I suggest you stop your drug use (ha ha) or I need the phone number to the magical baker you buy them from, I would like the recipe.  Food, any food, is good and satisfying but it is not an answer to any of your problems, unless your problem is hunger, and even then you need to ask yourself;  Are you hungry or just bored or sad?
See running gives me time to myself and time to think.  I often run without music so that the only thing I can hear is me and the pounding of my feet on the ground.  Running can be spiritual (oh I hate that "f"ing word but it is true) and it can be therapeutic. 

Can't run?  Great then walk.  And I don't mean be a jackass like my neighbor and put on a full jogging suit and walk a mile and act like you did something big today.  I mean get out of your house and walk for hours.  Take a path a trail you have seen while driving and find out where it goes.  Take yourself on an adventure and choosing a new path is always fun. 

Go ahead and take the difficult path because it will have greater rewards, this is true with running and in life.
I am working on tomorrow's blop already, and you want to read this one because it will have a shopping list. 

Monday, February 6, 2012

Don’t Stop Until You Get Enough

I will never stop planning and reaching for the stars.  It’s not in me to do that.  At this point in my life I know I can have everything I want.  If I see something and I want it, I’ll make a plan for it.  I know nothing is free and everything must be worked for including respect and even love.

I have done well over the years in business and in my personal life it just took some time to get the physical side in shape and now I have reached my physical goals, I don’t see anything standing in my way.   In fact, once I reach one goal, I just set another. 

Make a plan, change it as you need to, and bring success into your life.  You’re not entitled to everything but you can have everything.  I’m not living for today, I am working on tomorrow.
Just don't be a hurricane. LOL
I never want to say "What if?"

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Stop Throwing Up On Me; I Am Starting To Get Grossed Out!

Oh the stupid crap people post on social networks and the stupid crap they say.  WORD VOMIT!!!  “My life is full of poo that smells like roses.”  No one actually wrote or said that but they might as well have.  
What is word vomit?  Word vomit is the stupid lies people tell you and themselves that doesn’t make sense and after it is said makes you feel dirty and sticky, and not in a fun way.  These people want to push their view and their values onto you like a gang of greedy right wing republicans.  LOL, sorry I made myself laugh on that one.
One of my favorite pics.  Free your mind and life from crappy people and happiness will follow.  Hey did anyone just hear EnVogue singing Free Your Mind.  If you didn't here is the youtube video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7iQbBbMAFE&feature=player_embedded

Word vomit comes from two types of people, fatty friends (the opposite of fat free friends) and from leaches.  Please see my Beachbody post at www.teambeachbody.com/amycobine to see my definition of leaches and what a fat free friend is (fat free friends can also be found here on fatletes).
How can you tell if someone who proclaims happiness and the perfect life is full of the big P (poo) and has just spewed their word vomit on you?  Here is how.

1.   This person will proclaim a perfect life and will always tell you (even if you do not ask) how great life is (yeah that’s your first clue).

2.   This person will post few to no pictures of themselves on social networks.  They will tell you life is picture perfect yet do not have any pictures to prove it.  Hmmm I am suspicious.  See, unhappy people do not post pictures of themselves because then you would see the truth on their face. It is hard to have a ton of pictures of yourself when you don’t actually do anything worth taking a picture of and are not truly proud of the life you have created.  It also does not hurt to mention that these types of people are often inactive and unhealthy and therefore don’t get out to take many pics.  Just sayin…

3.   This person will have a large list of medical problems or will also announce recent illness or injury…often.

4.   This person will use popular quotes from others in attempt to inspire others, or maybe to inspire themselves.

Here is a quote you won't see many people using but I like it.

5.   These people will try to mirror almost everything you do or proclaim they are just like you.  “Oh, I shop there too.”  “I have that too.” “Look we are wearing the same thing, twinzies.”  "Great minds think alike."

6.   These people will also tell you how much everything costs or make a reference to price. “Yes I buy those toys for my kids and they are very expensive.”   I have actually heard this one said often from a fatty and here is my response to her, "No the toys are not expensive and you are LAME!"

7.   My favorite is when they say or think everything they have is better than what you have.  Which I guess would be fine, if they didn’t buy everything at the dollar store.
I have never seen any of my friends with happy lives proclaim anything about having everything they want in life and that everything is coming up roses.  They may say they are blessed but never a play by play of their picture perfect life, because people with great lives know that with the ups comes the downs. People who choose not to spew their word vomit on you will know that life can’t stop and there is never a time to coast or as my mom would say “slow down and smell the roses.”  My response “screw that!”    Stopping to smell the roses is how life passes you by and you miss chances.

My blog is about health and fitness and I love to talk about exercise and nutrition and I know none of this article is directly related to those items.  But I know from personal experience once you distance yourself from these types of people things like losing weight become much easier.  You may not realize the exuberant amount of time you spend dealing with other people’s drama.  Direct your energy into yourself.  And if you have read the short list above and realize you may be this type of person, well then, no worries, we are all capable of change. 
Want me to coach you and be your support, text of fb me.  And I really am NOT a mean coach.  LOL  Good thing I think I am funny huh.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Fat Girl In Me Hates Buying Clothes

I’ll make this post short as it is Saturday and I have a run to go do and I am sure you are all still rilling from yesterday’s Sk!nny Bitch blog. 

Have I ever mentioned my love for shopping.  I mean I really enjoy it.  The thrill of the hunt for a good deal or the desire to find the perfect party dress for my little girl.   I think I am pretty good at shopping, if there is such a thing.  Who else do you know you who can find an $800 dress for $70, and that dress still be in style? 
As I grew fatter over the years my love for shopping for myself, at least for clothes, diminished.  It was so disappointed to try something on at a store.  The clothes would never fit and there is only so much you can blame on the bad lighting in the store’s dressing rooms.  And as I grew fatter I stopped shopping at my favorite stores.  No longer did I shop at Nordstrom or Saks, at least not for myself.  Target clothes seemed to fit better.  A Target’s size 14 fits better than a Nordstrom’s 14.   If you had asked me about the size difference between the two stores back then I would have given you some line of crap about European sizing.

This isn't me but I have had to do this one to many times.

For 10 years I avoided the places I loved and for 10 years I bought clothes I didn’t really want to wear.  I didn’t even wear jeans for 8 of those years because I couldn’t bring myself to buy jeans with double digits. 
But now the weight is gone and everything is great right?  Wrong!  I still get nervous buying clothes for myself.  I pick up the size 0, and I know that is my size, but I am so afraid it won’t fit in the dressing room that I have a mini panic attack.  What if the jeans don’t fit?  I don’t just worry about my body at this point but my mental state; can I mentally deal with any number above a 2?  And the answer is no.  Not at this point, maybe never.  My fat years did damage to my body as well as my emotional well being.  I just can’t go back to being fat. It is actually a nightmare now for me, just like being thin use to be a good dream (one I thought would never happen).

As always if you are tired of being the fat girl, give me a call or a text(360.609.4983).  I have tons of helpful hints, workouts, and meal plans and I can be your support.  I know what it is like to be pretty in the face but ....
Me now the morning of my first marathon

Friday, February 3, 2012

Skinny B!tch Said Whaaat?

In a restaurant in small town USA, sit two large girls waiting for their lunch...

“Look at the stupid skinny bitch over there.”  “I know right?”  “She probably doesn’t even eat.”  “She only eats salad I’m sure.”  “I would never want to be that thin.”  “Me neither.” “Hey did you get the double bacon cheeseburger too.”  “Heck yeah.”  “Waitress I need some ranch for my fries please.”
I know what we all think when we see a fat person walking down the street or wobbling as the case may be, we think, I don’t want to be that person.  But what do we think when we see a thin person?  Do we have misconceptions about their life?  As a fatty do you think about the skinny b!tch.

You can say you don't want to have a body like this girl but that would be a lie.

A few weeks ago in a restaurant (yes the same Chilli’s I posted about a few blogs ago), when the server brought Uma and I our food she looked at the sandwich I ordered and smiled politely and said “Well you'll never eat this big thing.”  Well that day she was right, I couldn’t eat the whole thing, Uma and I split it and we still left ½ of it on the plate.  But if I had been lifting that day I might have ate the whole thing.  I might be small but I can pack away the food. 
Just because someone is thin or losing weight does not mean they do not eat.  I eat all the time to maintain my workout schedule.  I have to fuel the fire to keep my metabolism going.  That is the secret fit people know and we keep trying to explain to everyone else.  We do not starve and you should not starve to be thin.  If you do, you will just become a skinny fat person.

There are just so many misconception of thin or fit people, just as many as there are for overweight people.

Here is a misconception of the thin and I have heard countless times, especially from the older crowd. Now that I am thin, if I get sick, I might die, because I don't have any fat to fight off the sickness.  What the frick?  What kind of dumb ass statement is that?  Yes, I just said dumb ass.  So if I get the flu, I am more likely to die as apposed to a 200 lb woman.  Umm no, I don’t think so. First fat does not fight illness, however, it might be helpful if I was stranded on an island without food.  Because I am fit, I am more likely not to get sick because I am in such good health and I have a great knowledge base about natural medicine aka food.  My body is strong so I can fend off a cold or the flu just like a fatty but probably better.  The difference between me getting sick and a fatty is this.  If we both lose 5lbs from the same sickness as soon as I am well I will work to put back on the 5lbs as were a fatty will hope to get sick again and lose another 5lbs. 
I also find it unlikely I would get food poisoning because you will never find me eating greasy questionable food at some dive.  My standards for food is quite high unlike someone in need of their meat and cheese fix.
A body like this does not get sick often.
Here is another one, thin people are just naturally thinner just like fat people are just naturally fatter.  It is all genetics.  No, again!  Sorry although genetics plays a big part on how we look it is not the deciding factor on thin vs fat.  See, what people do not see when they meet me now is that I come from a long line of ladies with big butts and even bigger thighs and what they don’t see is that I was once fat.  Most people I meet for the first time have a hard time believing I was once almost 200lbs.  So next time you see a thin fit person standing there realize you are seeing what they look like now.  You do not know the work they might have had to put in to look the way they do and it is not easy for everyone.  Some just make it look that way.

I don't look like many of the ladies in my family anymore becasue I have worked it off.

My favorite misconception is that thin fit people deprive themselves of life by only focusing on working out and eating nasty health food.  Wrong again my friend.  I do love to workout but not to the point that I miss out on anything. I have more energy than the average size 14 mom, so I go and do more in a day than some people do in a week.  That is the benefit to being fit. The food I eat, it's great, it is colorful and full of flavor.  I will save you all from my lecture on food this time.  Just trust me when I say I am not eating anything that tastes nasty.    
Oh, but it is so fun to say crap about the thin girl at the next table isn’t it?  Well just like you hate being made fun of for your size, she doesn’t like it either.  Now I will be honest, I would much rather be talked about for being thin than fat.   

I have been that girl talking all the shiz about the thin girl.  We do it because deep down we are jealous, heck it’s not even deep down.  All jealousy is right there for you to listen to as soon as we open our mouths about the girl at the next table.  We so want to be the thin girl!  That’s right I said it, I might be out of the fat girl club forever, I told one of the fat girl secrets.  We all wish we could wear those skinny little jeans and cute two piece suits.  We all wish it looked as easy as some skinny b!tch makes it look.  The only thing we are not jealous of is the boobs.  (I swear I just heard a fat girl say "You got that right.")

Ok now that I have fully betrayed my former fat self and told one of the fat girl secrets I should wrap this up.  Oh how about one more secret. 
Fat girls would cover anything and everything in ranch, and ranch dressing is considered to be the fat girl’s ketchup.  Ha, you know it’s true!
Reminder, that talking about someone else and hating them for who they are shows that you really hate yourself.  You can only work on you, and saying it is easy for someone else is just an excuse you use to not change your ways.    I know, I know, you are going to take this to your fat friends and they are going to be like “Whaaaat?”  “ The skinny b!tch said whaaat?”  I hope the crap I say pisses you off enough to change, because for some of us, that is what is takes.

Other blogs I am working on just in case you wanted to know are…

Stop Throwing Up On Me, I Am Starting To Get Grossed Out.
The Fat Girl In Me Hates Buying Clothes

You know how to get a hold of me if you would like to work with me.  Facebook or text me 360.609.4983