Friday, February 3, 2012

Skinny B!tch Said Whaaat?

In a restaurant in small town USA, sit two large girls waiting for their lunch...

“Look at the stupid skinny bitch over there.”  “I know right?”  “She probably doesn’t even eat.”  “She only eats salad I’m sure.”  “I would never want to be that thin.”  “Me neither.” “Hey did you get the double bacon cheeseburger too.”  “Heck yeah.”  “Waitress I need some ranch for my fries please.”
I know what we all think when we see a fat person walking down the street or wobbling as the case may be, we think, I don’t want to be that person.  But what do we think when we see a thin person?  Do we have misconceptions about their life?  As a fatty do you think about the skinny b!tch.

You can say you don't want to have a body like this girl but that would be a lie.

A few weeks ago in a restaurant (yes the same Chilli’s I posted about a few blogs ago), when the server brought Uma and I our food she looked at the sandwich I ordered and smiled politely and said “Well you'll never eat this big thing.”  Well that day she was right, I couldn’t eat the whole thing, Uma and I split it and we still left ½ of it on the plate.  But if I had been lifting that day I might have ate the whole thing.  I might be small but I can pack away the food. 
Just because someone is thin or losing weight does not mean they do not eat.  I eat all the time to maintain my workout schedule.  I have to fuel the fire to keep my metabolism going.  That is the secret fit people know and we keep trying to explain to everyone else.  We do not starve and you should not starve to be thin.  If you do, you will just become a skinny fat person.

There are just so many misconception of thin or fit people, just as many as there are for overweight people.

Here is a misconception of the thin and I have heard countless times, especially from the older crowd. Now that I am thin, if I get sick, I might die, because I don't have any fat to fight off the sickness.  What the frick?  What kind of dumb ass statement is that?  Yes, I just said dumb ass.  So if I get the flu, I am more likely to die as apposed to a 200 lb woman.  Umm no, I don’t think so. First fat does not fight illness, however, it might be helpful if I was stranded on an island without food.  Because I am fit, I am more likely not to get sick because I am in such good health and I have a great knowledge base about natural medicine aka food.  My body is strong so I can fend off a cold or the flu just like a fatty but probably better.  The difference between me getting sick and a fatty is this.  If we both lose 5lbs from the same sickness as soon as I am well I will work to put back on the 5lbs as were a fatty will hope to get sick again and lose another 5lbs. 
I also find it unlikely I would get food poisoning because you will never find me eating greasy questionable food at some dive.  My standards for food is quite high unlike someone in need of their meat and cheese fix.
A body like this does not get sick often.
Here is another one, thin people are just naturally thinner just like fat people are just naturally fatter.  It is all genetics.  No, again!  Sorry although genetics plays a big part on how we look it is not the deciding factor on thin vs fat.  See, what people do not see when they meet me now is that I come from a long line of ladies with big butts and even bigger thighs and what they don’t see is that I was once fat.  Most people I meet for the first time have a hard time believing I was once almost 200lbs.  So next time you see a thin fit person standing there realize you are seeing what they look like now.  You do not know the work they might have had to put in to look the way they do and it is not easy for everyone.  Some just make it look that way.

I don't look like many of the ladies in my family anymore becasue I have worked it off.

My favorite misconception is that thin fit people deprive themselves of life by only focusing on working out and eating nasty health food.  Wrong again my friend.  I do love to workout but not to the point that I miss out on anything. I have more energy than the average size 14 mom, so I go and do more in a day than some people do in a week.  That is the benefit to being fit. The food I eat, it's great, it is colorful and full of flavor.  I will save you all from my lecture on food this time.  Just trust me when I say I am not eating anything that tastes nasty.    
Oh, but it is so fun to say crap about the thin girl at the next table isn’t it?  Well just like you hate being made fun of for your size, she doesn’t like it either.  Now I will be honest, I would much rather be talked about for being thin than fat.   

I have been that girl talking all the shiz about the thin girl.  We do it because deep down we are jealous, heck it’s not even deep down.  All jealousy is right there for you to listen to as soon as we open our mouths about the girl at the next table.  We so want to be the thin girl!  That’s right I said it, I might be out of the fat girl club forever, I told one of the fat girl secrets.  We all wish we could wear those skinny little jeans and cute two piece suits.  We all wish it looked as easy as some skinny b!tch makes it look.  The only thing we are not jealous of is the boobs.  (I swear I just heard a fat girl say "You got that right.")

Ok now that I have fully betrayed my former fat self and told one of the fat girl secrets I should wrap this up.  Oh how about one more secret. 
Fat girls would cover anything and everything in ranch, and ranch dressing is considered to be the fat girl’s ketchup.  Ha, you know it’s true!
Reminder, that talking about someone else and hating them for who they are shows that you really hate yourself.  You can only work on you, and saying it is easy for someone else is just an excuse you use to not change your ways.    I know, I know, you are going to take this to your fat friends and they are going to be like “Whaaaat?”  “ The skinny b!tch said whaaat?”  I hope the crap I say pisses you off enough to change, because for some of us, that is what is takes.

Other blogs I am working on just in case you wanted to know are…

Stop Throwing Up On Me, I Am Starting To Get Grossed Out.
The Fat Girl In Me Hates Buying Clothes

You know how to get a hold of me if you would like to work with me.  Facebook or text me 360.609.4983

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