Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Disclaimers, Waivers, and Releases

Ohh, again this blog has caused me drama.  So I need to clear up a few matters, again, this morning.

It is called fatletes (Fat + athlete = fatlete).  Not divorceletes (although I did try to register that name this am LOL), and I might just start adding “lete” to the end of every word today just for fun.  You try it too.

The fatlete blog, since my divorce, has been the forum to discuss something other than exercise and diet.  I wanted this to be a place for people to think about the reasons they are overweight, because there is never a simple reason.  This site is for me.  It helps me deal with my issues, of which I doubt I am the only one with issues.  I have loyal followers who I love, and I have critics who send me mean emails and text, I can deal with both.

This site may not be for your average person.  If you are 5 lbs overweight, yes, I can help you lose those 5lbs as a coach, but no, I don’t think you are fat.  I doubt you need to ponder any of the crapola (not a curse word if I add “ola” to the end of it) I mention is my posts.

It has been mentioned that is seems like I hate fat people in my post.  Ummm, again, nooo!  I am not even sure where to start on that, let’s just say, if I hated fat people it would be wrong on multi levels.  I don’t hate anyone; we all have our problems, and “fat” use to be one of mine.

I have been told I am mean on my post.  Not mean, honest.  I try to say the things that everyone else thinks, or has said, at one point in their life.  If the tone comes across as mean, well then that is how you are reading it, not me.

I am also going to take a moment to address my Facebook posts which often can be about working out.  Well, I work out a lot.  I run a lot!  So it pops into my status a lot.  I know why I work out and run so much.  It makes me feel better.  If you haven’t heard I just got divorced!  I need something that makes me feel better and gives me time to think.  Running does that for me.  A friend told me she did the same thing during her divorce, because it is the one thing you can control, when things might feel out of control and I totally agree with that. 

To address those who say I am pushing them away or out of my life.  I’m not!  But I also realized when I started the divorce process how this would all work.  Some of you would choose sides and not everyone would choose my side.  I can’t push you out of my life if you haven’t called, texted, or messaged me, but you have Gary (ex-husband for those who don’t know).  For those who have reached out to me, thank you, and I think we can all agree I have welcomed you in my life. For those who reached out to Gary (and only Gary), thank you, he needs you too.

As always if you don’t like the blog, don’t read it, and I am glad that your life is super-duper, and that you can throw the first stone.  Fabulous!

Curvyfit!  Wish I had boobs LOL


  1. Hey Amy, I love reading your blog. You are not going to be able to make everyone happy in life, I have learned this living in utah county. Keep your head up and keep the positive posts coming.

  2. People expect you to be "PC" over everything. Freedom of speech is one. This is YOUR blog for another. People think you need to watch everything you say and I don't agree. If I were to come across a blog and find it offensive I would stop reading it. Wow. Grown up decision. That is in my control. Things others write isn't. So people need to get over it.


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