Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Calm The "F" Down

I have some advice to give today, and I probably need to hear it too.

It's Calm The Frick Down!!!

Some of you, are like me, and over think everything.  If you are thinking about what not to eat, and what you can't have, you will make the cravings worse.  And then you are going to "f" up!  You will gorge yourself and start the downward spiral of which could take you days to recover from and you'll gain more weight.


I don't over think food anymore!  But trust me, I over think everything else until I annoy all those around me.  Well those really close to me that is, aren't they lucky?  LOL  There are a few of you right now nodding your head in agreement at my girlie ways (aka annoying ways). 

If today, you have already screwed your diet over, make up for it and go for a walk right now and then don't do it again!


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