Monday, April 30, 2012

Why I'm Always Going To Be Different

I've been thinking today about what makes me different.  Why am I much further along in my career than my peer group and why I don't look like the average 30 something Mom of 4.  Most women my age are busy waiting for their allowance from their husband and wondering how they can sneak a purchase in on the already maxed credit card.  And why most women my age are sitting on their butts right now while their butts are getting bigger.  They are getting fatter day by day and they blame their kids and their husband.  Heck many men my age are just starting out right now.  What makes me different?  What makes me that girl?

Truth?  I'm not sure.  It's just who I am.  I am always going to be the person who digs deeper, who wants more, who demands success from myself, and demands the best out of others.  I will always be the girl who will pull greatness out of you... because I pull greatness from myself. 

Only thing you should give up on, is the idea of what the path to your success should look like.  If you thought the path was going to be well lit, music playing in the background, lined with roses and daisy, you are wrong!  The path to success is a rough one, and it has hurdles and obstacles, and its going to hurt, but it will all be worth it, for the big dream.   Think about the big dream, not the idealistic view you had of getting there, if it was that easy, you would already be there, and so would everyone else. 

Listen to this hope you all like it, hope it motivates

Almost ended this blog by saying "You Dumbass" but I refrained.  

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