Monday, April 23, 2012


2 week schedule to slim and sculpt your body

As always a pic to keep my male readers interested in this blog :)  Come to see the pics, stay to read the content LOL
And no this one isn't me.

Now I know some of you have a fear of commitment, but you'll need to get over it to deal with the workout schedule I am going to layout today. This isn't a cell phone plan so there is no long term contract here.  I just need 2 weeks from you.  2 weeks!!! 2 weeks, to get you ready for whatever, a reunion, a vacation, a wedding, or in my case a race and some California sunshine.

This schedule is my re-commitment to myself, my fitness and my health and just me giving my body two weeks of intense exercise and conditioning so that I can rock the 1/2 marathon coming up and a bikini (race is near the beach!) 

If you would like to follow this intense schedule you will need the workout programs from BeachBody as listed below (all of which you can buy on my coach's website  If you are a guy I would suggest cutting out the Brazilian Butt series unless you have a thong you are trying to look good in, and if that's the case, I really don't want to know about it. Ha!  Serioulsy I don't want to know.

My plan is to be faster in two weeks and to be what I like to call my "race weight" which is 103lbs.  I am currently 108.  Please remember I am fairly short and my race weight is just the number I feel best at.  If I felt good at 115 I would make that my goal, so please to do not concern yourself with my number or try and match my number.  This is what is best for me, your number and size may differ.

If you do not own everything you need to follow this schedule... well then get it.  Yes it will cost you some money, but so does the gym, so does eating out, so does the fat girl jeans.  Better you spend your money and your time becoming fit and being your best than being just another fatty (for anyone new to this blog, I say "fatty" in the most loving way because I am a former fatty myself.)

My Diet for the Next Two Weeks.

Simple... Shakeology for lunch.  No sugar for two weeks.  No meat for two weeks.  No dairy for two weeks.  Limit all process foods including pasta and breads (I really will try and not eat them at all).  Basically I will eat what I love which is fruit.

My Two Week Kick Your Butt Schedule.

List of programs you will need to maintain this schedule below.  Again, this is not a schedule I would suggest for anyone to maintain long term.  I have already started this program but will be resting the days before my race.  And then will go back to working out only an 1 to 2 hours a day.  This schedule will put you close to 3 hours a day.   And again, it is intense schedule but it will be worth it!

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