Monday, April 28, 2014

Former Fatty and LDS Mom

 I rounded up some inspiration (my kids) and took charge of my life and health.  
 (Picture taken Mother's Day 2013)

It's almost that time of year again... Mother's Day!  I will be writing my annual Mother's Day post and just wrapped up taking pictures for this years blog.  My Mother's Day blog post is normally lengthy and may or may not include a year in review and family happenings.  Last years blog covered lessons learned for my life and my children's lives.

Here is the link to the Mother's Day blog that started it all.

I wanted to get some things like diet and exercise details posted before my long Mother's Day's post, as well as take a moment to explain the origin of this blog and my motivation behind writing it.


I originally blogged on my Beachbody profile.  Writing the blog on my Beachbody profile gave me a voice when I found it difficult to express myself and writing was very therapeutic as I dealt with the issues and choices I had made over the years that had brought me to weigh almost 200 lbs.

Then during an "argument" of sorts one night on Facebook (back in 2012), I decided to start a new blog outside of Beachbody.  With help from my friends, this blog, Fatletes, was created.  This blog was meant to serve as inspiration for those looking to make their health a priority and make a lifestyle change like I did, but also I wanted to write a blog that was honest, sometimes raw, and take a look at myself and my "fat."

My past posts have been offensive to some readers, but the posts are what they are, and how I felt at the time I wrote them.   I am reluctant to apologize for the content of past posts as it was a part of the process to my new life.  I never tried to be "mean" or "cruel" in my blogging, as that isn't really who I am, but I have tried to be direct and again, honest, and that isn't always what people want to see in print with the subject matter of "fat."   Being overweight or talking about weight (fat or thin) brings out a lot of emotions in people and some people are just easily offended.

Some of the pictures I have posted in the past are offensive to some readers, mostly because they are immodest pictures of thin or fit women.  I found fitspiration in them and felt like sharing in this format.   Some of the pics are of me, but not all, and some of my pics are not very modest.   I posted pics of myself partially for accountability, but also as proof that the weight was gone and that a body can be healed with proper diet and exercise, and for general fitspiration.

This is where I was going to post a collection of my fitness pics, again, not all were modest, but then I realized I only want one guy to see me in my bikini, so I will save those for him (my attention whore phase officially has ended).  Watch this instead.  I lost the weight for her.  To be a Mommy she could look up to, that was strong, fit, and capable of change and sacrifice.  Being a Mom is my greatest job and I plan on being around a long time for her and my boys. 

Many of my past posts were about some very personal issues, including my divorce, my life as a single girl, being a single mom, dating, parenting, my religion, and my family.  Again, I wanted this to be a personal look at myself and felt others my be able to identify with my struggles and experiences.  As you can tell by most of my posts, I think I am funny and I make myself laugh, however others may find my humor questionable.  My posts often contain some kind of reference to vomit (I don't know why), often include music clips (just for fun), and I sometime use Mormon curse words.  

What I don't want, and have never wanted, is for anyone to be offended by my use of the word "fatty."  I was a former "fatty."  I had to actually use the words "former fatty" in church recently!  Awkward…

But really,  I say "fatty" with compassion and some reverence.  Being a "fatty" is a part of my history, it's a part of me.  Losing the weight taught me a million lessons about my strengths, my weaknesses, my love, my endurance, and my soul.  I will never forget the fat girl I once was.  I love her (Fat Amy), and I never let her eat, so I think I should be kind to her, I owe her that.  LOL

"I rock the mermaid dance… Just Sayin"

Thank you to all my readers, from my dedicated followers, to those who have recently discovered my word vomit (aka blogs).  Thank you for allowing me to be apart of your lives.  I have enjoyed many of your messages and phone calls over the years and find inspiration in your journeys.  A special thank you to those who read my blog and knew when I didn't just need another run, but needed a hug.  This means you Cami!!  I will miss you and good luck!!

I no longer actively write this blog and have two other Beachbody coaches writing posts (Sarah and Jamie).  They are both awesome women and both have inspired me in many ways so please follow the blog and keep coming back for more.

Fatletes blogger, Beachbody coach, and one hot lady, Jamie Valdez.

I have started a new blog on tumblr and it will be mostly fitspiration , in other words, pin away ladies!  Or Pinners you can just follow me on Pinterest and I will be happy to deal you your digital crack.  LOL

If you need to contact me for anything else… You have questions, you want me to be your coach, or you just need to know that I am a real person, not just another pretty face on the internet (JK!) send me a text 360.609.4983

You can also reach me at

Here are all the links to many of my most read posts about Diet, Exercise, and the path way to a lifestyle change and links to get you started if you would like me to be your coach.


First start with a kitchen makeover!  This is a great way to start!  Its cheap and it can be a family project the weekend before you start this journey.  Seriously get the kids involved on this one.



What I am about to ask of you is difficult.  I am going to ask you to take a before picture.  I use to avoid full length mirrors so I know a full size picture, preferable in workout wear is asking a lot!  But you have to do it!!  You don't have to show it to anyone but take one, you'll be glad you did one day in the future.  Also take all your measurements.  Again, this is tough to do.  Physiologically this is a deal breaker for some people, but not you, because you want to change!  You don't have to show anyone the numbers but write them down and keep them someplace safe.  One more number is needed, your current weight.  UGH!  Stupid scale!!  But again, you got to do it, and you might as well invest in a good scale now because I am going to ask you to weigh yourself each and every day from here on out. Develop a healthy OCD about weighing yourself each and every day (healthy OCD, that's a joke).  Each time you lose a lb or even 1/2 lb you will use that as motivation to do it again and again and again until you hit your goal.   Take measurements once a week and let each inch serve as fuel to your motivational fire.

Here are some of my cards that I kept hid in a dresser.  Wish I had kept the original starting measurements.  I also wish I would have kept one pair of my very stretched out size 16 jeans.  

See even I still have to do before and after shots for accountability and inspiration.  This is from Nov/ Dec of 2013.  In Nov, I had to stop running for about 4 weeks and some medications caused some weight gain.  So I rededicated myself, and took 10 lbs off in 20 days.   Like my no make up, just woke up look?  Ya, me too. 

Finally set a goal!  What size, health, or fitness goal would you love to reach?   With work and time you will be reaching this goal, you may be exceeding this goal.  I wrote more about this in the "Talk"



I suggest using Shakeology as a meal replacement twice day (breakfast and lunch) for the first week.  Dinner should be a protein and fruit and veggies.  No salt, no added fat, no sugar, and no additional carbs the first week. Raw fruit and veggies snacks are allowed all day, minus any dips or sauces.  In other words, step away from the fat girl ketchup, aka Ranch dressing.  The Shakeology cleanse will help with that salt and sugar cravings that should subside after day 3, and is a nice starting point or a great way to finish the month after the ultimate reset.  Most of my clients lose 5 lbs within 5 to 7 days with this routine with Shakeology.  Yes, it could just be water weight they have lost, but 5 lbs is 5 lbs, and it's a motivator!!


Exercise should not be added to your journey to get fit and healthy until your diet is under control.  I will say it again,


Add exercise after your diet is well under control.  You will have all ready dropped weight by now and your body should be fully adjusted to your new way of eating.  This may take some people two weeks, it may take others 2 months.  Go at your pace.

Why wait for exercise?  Two reasons.  First in the beginning you will be on a reduce calorie intake diet and adding exercise to that may make you sick and you really just won't have the energy for it.

Second reason and I feel the most important reason, is because this is a multi step program.  Real change takes time and will not happen over night.  My fear and my experience tells me that if you try to change too many things in your life at once (diet and activity level) that you will become frustrated and are likely to fail.  Old habits die hard and your body and well as your mind may resist all the changes.

I don't want you to quit, I don't want you to feel like your goal is outside of your reach.  I want you to succeed.  So please take this process slowly and build upon each success, upon each pound you lose, upon each inch you lose, and upon each goal you reach.

I suggest the FAT GIRL FORMULA for exercise as detailed here in this post.

You can purchase all workouts for the fat girl formula here on my site.

For guys I suggest getting T25 and/ P90X

You do not need to purchase all of these workout DVD sets at one time.  You can if you like, and if you want to make the entire investment at once, but I think that might be overwhelming and again, I want to set you up to succeed in this process, not get overwhelmed.

For more workouts and you can always come back to this blog.  Here is a list of some of our most read posts (workouts).

Jello Workout (legs)

Bringing Sexy Back Workout (back)

Crunch (abs)

Humble Me Workout (core)

Bell Workout (arms and core)

Good luck and hope you return to this site for my Mother's Day post, currently titled "Where is My Cape?"

Monday, April 7, 2014

My Time Machine

The picture on the left was me 10 years ago (2004!).  I was 26 years old.  The picture on the right is me just last week (March 28, 2014).  What a difference a lifestyle change makes!  

I would love to introduce you to my "time machine" for youth and health.  Text me and check out my beachbody site.  I would love to be your coach.

Check out my new tumblr
There will be lots of fitsperation posted for ya'll  as well as links to workouts and blog posts.  

Join me in pinterest too.

Did I mention you can text me 360.609.4983