Wednesday, November 8, 2017

20 in 30

How I lost 20lbs in 30 days.

WOW it has been a long time since I have posted. Like 2 years!!  I will update everyone who isn't already friends with me on FB to my haps another day.

Today's post is the result of a wife anonymous group request from FB.  Here is how I lost 20 lbs in 30 days.  Nothing crazy, and I am hoping this post will encourage me to work off some extra happy fat before the holidays.


Day 1 Only fruit and lots of water.  No juice.  Coffee and tea ok but no sugar and creme. Melons are best!  No bananas (just for today)
Day 2 Only veggies and lots of water.  No juice.  Coffee and tea ok but no sugar and creme.
Day 3 Veggies and fruits only. No juice.  Coffee and tea ok but no sugar and creme.

The diet rest of the month.

Reduce your calorie intake to 800 a day.

Protein shake, either shakeology or a quality brand for breakfast and lunch.  Dinner can be veggies and a protein like fish or chicken.

What you can't eat this month... and this is tough.

No dairy!  At all!  No cheese, no milk.  I actually suggest limiting this forever.  Milk has the hormones for a baby cow to be big.... you don't need that!  This is the most difficult one for me because I love cheese.  Like really love it,.

No extra salt, also difficult for me.

No wheat (white or whole grain).  Bye bye bread, pasta, crackers, and granola bars.

No processed sugars.

No yellow corn.

No pork.

No dressings or sauces.

Limit red meat to one serving a week.

Do drink lots of water, no soda or juice.  Plain coffee and tea are ok.

Do use seasonings to help make food flavorful.


2 workouts a day for 6 days a week

Each day you will workout 30 min cardio (hopefully in the morning) and low impact is fine.
And one lifting session working rotating on arms, legs, back, core, and chest.  Lift heavy, low reps... probably the opposite of what you have been taught.  This creates lean muscle and will not bulk you up.  Stretch every day before and after for 5-10 minutes.

I still suggest workouts like Beachbody's Chalene Johnson but I am no longer a coach.  Shawn T workouts are great too.  And I follow Kayla Itsinces bikini body guide these days.  Check her out on IG.  Amazing results.

I advise against CrossFit!  I advise against any fasting diet.  I studied exercise science at BYU and never once was anything like these two fads recommended.

My results from 20 in 30.

And just a reminder of how far I have come.  These two pics are taken 10 years and 80lbs apart.  I looked 40 in my 20's .