Wednesday, May 30, 2012


The 100 Workout!

100 Jumping Jacks
90 Crunches
80 Squats
70 Leg Lifts
60 Crunches
50 Jumping Jacks
40 Squats
30 Leg lifts
20 jumping Jacks
Run for 10 minutes

Do this 3X a week.  Have you started yet?  

Don't forget to stretch:)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Different Breed

Runners are a different breed.  We take pride in blistered feet, bruised toenails, and chafed skin.  We become experts in energy gels, and hydration strategies.  For many of us, running is a refuge from day-to-day stress.  It's our passion.  Our meditation and reflection.  We run to live and live to run.

This one isn't me, in case you were wondering.

Hydration always important.  Also not me :)

 Yeah this one is me stripping during a race and right after my Gu!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Chasing the Dragon Tail

Want a nice tummy?  Well it's 70% diet, 30% exercise.

Anyone every heard the term "chasing the dragon tail."  It's actually a term used for drug addicts.  It describes an addicts elusive pursuit of the ultimate high or the first high, the first high being their best high of which they will never recreate.  An addict will continue to use their drug of choice over and over again,  in larger volumes chasing that high.

I don't think I was ever a food addict but I do understand "chasing the dragon tail."  I understand it because I feel it, even today when eating certain foods.  Foods that are salty and high in fat, foods I crave.

Ever eat a potato chip, and it taste so good... then you eat another... still good.  And then you eat a few more... not as good.  The taste starts to diminish.  The first bite is always the best.  I have actually ate so many chips I couldn't even taste anything but salt and my tongue has went numb.  I know I am not the only one this has happened too...  you've done it too!  We all over eat, and we all eat the wrong things sometimes, but if food has taken over your life and is the only way you feel happy, it is time to get help.

I have some concern for some people in my life, and I feel they have become food addicts.  If your eating is our of control, again, please seek professional help.  Someone like myself can help you with diet and exercise, but if your relationship with food has become maladaptive then seek help from a medical professional or therapist that specializes in food addiction.  Just like a drug addict, food addicts, will kill themselves with their addiction, and it may be slow death.  A body that has been abused (poor nutrition and lack of exercise) will be overcome by disease and sickness in time.

This holiday weekend, I want to encourage you to think about what you are eating and it's taste.  If the items has lost it's taste then stop eating it.  This is a weekend full gatherings where overeating is more than a possibility.  Please eat to nourish your body not your soul, and I assure you a quart of ice cream never healed a broken heart. 

When I first started to lose the weight, and even today, if I want a bite of something I take one or two, but no more than that.  I know I am not going to get the same feeling and enjoyment that I did with the first bite, and I just want enough to stop the craving (and the withdrawals, just kidding!!!).

Two notes about this post.  First, thanks to my friend Chris for giving me the idea for this post.  I wish he was here this weekend to help me write it.  I help him with term papers, and he can help me with blog post (that seems fair), maybe next time...  A course I don't think he has even read this silly blog, so maybe we should start with that.  LOL

Second, I thought you would all enjoy this talk by President Uchtdorf (I'm Mormon, don't forget!) and I am really happy my friend Ethan reminded me of this.  Not only did I need to hear it, but I know some of my readers do too.  In some recent posts, I might have seemed hard on myself, just like some of you are, but I want us all to remember to keep reaching for our goals but to love and cherish the process of obtaining those goals and that we don't have to be perfect.  Thank you Ethan;)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Do not stop or rest between exercises.  This workout is meant to make you hurt and will take away the ache... at least that's my theory this morning. 

Ab Workout

1.  Start crunches and do not start counting yet, just keep going until it starts hurts
2.  Once your tummy hurts, do 50 more crunches
3.  On your last crunch, stay up, stick out your arms, and do 10 arm pumps.  Then go one inch higher and do 10 more pumps, repeat this step 5 times.
4.  Start doing bicycle crunches, again, do not starting counting yet, just keep going until it starts to hurt. (This may happen quickly)
5.  Once these begin to hurt, do 50 more.
6.  Now do 25 side crunches on your right side, then 25 more on your left side.
7.  50 lower ab crunches
8.  (last set)  50 more regular crunches

Your stomach will hate me for this one, but as always, it will create results. You should not do an ab workout every day.  I prefer ever other day.

My workout for the morning is done.  So I am going to go crunch some numbers and hope they don't crunch back.  Yesterday I kind of got crunched (that's why I am posting this workout)... not by any numbers but by Capt. Moroni.  (Inside joke without the ha ha).

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

"Amy" The Musical - 1/2 Marathon Recap

"Musical" recap of the HOMM 1/2 Marathon.  Warning this isn't all G-rated today.

Let me start by saying I didn't go to bed until 1 am the night before the race and had to get up at 4:30am to be at the park for registration and to catch the shuttle to the start line.  Lucky for me, my gay boyfriend, came and made sure I was up in time for the race (I did not want a repeat of the San Diego race).  Gay boyfriend doesn't know it, but when he walked in the room (lights were off) I didn't quite have my shirt on.  But no worries, because he already told me "boobs are gross."  And in my case I don't have much to show.  LOL

Because this was a SLC race I had to wear my cold weather running pants. I should also mention I started the morning with cramps.  Felt I should share all of the this with you.  Want me to move on... ok lets.

Alright, so I got jazzed up for the race to some fun music, oh this one made me feel so pretty.

And then I felt a little bit gansta... "Hope I don't have to put a cap in any one's a$$ today."  I really do make myself laugh. Ha!

Met up with my friends. This is when it was explained to me that this wasn't just any down hill race.  This was a serious slope!  Let me show you the elevation drop.

And here is a picture at the top of this Canyon.

There was some snow up here in the distance of which I kind of freaked out about.  I live in St George people.  We don't have snow.  And snow in May, what the heck?  So it was a very brisk morning up at the top something I just am not use to.

Here is me and my friend Jenny on the scary bus ride up the canyon.  The bus went up a single lane road with no guard rails on the side.   I was in a bit of a panic before the race.

This was a small race, only about 100 people.  Ready to start this race... Let's do this.

Start Line - we actually started on a downhill slope.  "Let's get running so I can warm up already."

Mile 1 - "Who needs knees!"  At this point it was all very steep and I was doing under a 7 minute mile.

Mile 2 -   A little voice inside my head said "you can't keep up this pace."  and then another loud voice said "Shut the f#ck up and run!." 

Mile 2.5  Jenny yells "Can you feel your crotch?"  I think this what she said..  Then she yelled it again "Can you feel your crotch?"  Hmmm  I just yelled "Yes?" And kept running.

Mile 3 - Bloody foot.  At the aid station, which ironically did not have any first aid kits, I had to stop for a bandaid.  I wore shoes I normally do not wear and had a blister on side of my foot.  When I took off my shoe, my whole foot was bloody.  I had been running so fast and so hard down the canyon that my whole body felt like I had been holding a jack-hammer.  I could barely stop shaking to put on the bandaid that the volunteers found for me in some one's car.  Nice.

Mile 4 - Time for some music.

Wait.. Stop the music!!! I can't run to Taylor Swift.  Sorry babe but you got to go.

"If I was a boy I wouldn't ignore her.  If I was a boy I wouldn't text other girls.  If I was a boy I wouldn't make her give me the cold shoulder.  If I was a boy I would make her mine" 

Just sayin....

Mile 5 -

Mile 6 - "Another bandaid please!  Another bloody foot!!  Between my feet bleeding and my cramps I might lose to much blood."  Ewwww!!! I know I just grossed out everyone, sorry, but this is the stupid stuff I think about.

Grabbed another bandaid, some GU and kept going!  BTW kind of addicted to GU now, that stuff really helps.

Mile 6.5 - Stomach cramp!!! 

Mile 7 - "Look Salt Lake Police are out.  Wow, these are some fat cops.  Are they all that way?  Geesh, where are those cute San Diego boys when you need them?"

"You better believe I'm all country!"

Mile 8 -"Ahhh girl in the hot pink shirt wants to race.  Ok... wait hill.  Bye bye.  I got skills on the up-hill race."

Mile 9 - "Give me more GU!!!  This stuff is like crack for runners."

Mile 9.5  - 'Time to listen to my favorite slut.  Bring on Brittney!"

"I call the shots!!"

Mile 10 - "Sprinklers!!!"

Mile 10.5 -  I started to think about the Dominican Republic.  I am not sure why.  I thought about Nate doing his mission there.  I thought about how Chris was there the same time I was, back when I was fat.  And then I thought I need a vacation.  Really, I don't know why I was thinking about an island in the Caribbean.

Mile 11 - At this point I had been behind another girl wearing pink and a guy in blue.  As we neared a hill they both started walking.  "Who walks?!! Guess I won't be racing either of them at we are near the end of this thing.  Need to find someone else to race.  There are two guys way up the hill... maybe?"

Mile 11.8  - Almost caught up with the two tall handsome guys in front of me.

Mile 12 - The guys have stopped for a drink, so did I, and we all left the water station at the same time.  "Last mile, time to lengthen my stride" 

Mile 12.1  -  "mmm papi"  I sang it as I passed the two guys. 

Mile 12.8 - One of the handsome guys decided to sprint it and beat me by about 30 seconds.

Mile 13.1 - Final time  1:56:09  a new PR!!

Finishing my run I stripped off my shoes and my shirt.  Yes, when it comes to running, I can't seem to keep my shirt on.   But don't worry, it's just when I am running, it's not like I am going to get pink hair extensions and look like I belong in the club.  I am told you boys all like a girl who looks like a stripper but ummm that's not me.  LOL

With my shirt off Jenny asked if I had a "spray tan."  Nooo.  She has been away from St George too long.  This is all natural brown babe, thanks to running in the hot red rocks of Southern Utah.  She knows she misses it.

Alright one more song, the song I drove home to.

"Today  I didn't even use my AK, I gotta say it was a good day."  LOL

Monday, May 21, 2012

Fat Girl Recharged

Tomorrow or tonight I will give you all the race recap (HOMM 1/2 marathon), but I remembered today is an important day.  This is the day two years ago that I weighed 190lbs!!  This was the day that I came home from a week in the Caribbean and realized, "Holy crap, I'm fat!"  Everything was set in motion that day; my life would change.

So this weekend  I ran away to Salt Lake where this fat girl's heart got a recharge.  I enjoyed the love of a best friend and his family.  I enjoyed a race and the time with fellow athletes.  I enjoyed the spirit of the Stake Conference in which I attended on Sunday.

If I had known my "Fat" anniversary was this weekend I might not have ran away.  I know some of you thought I was going up for a date or something, but you could not be further from the truth.  I know SLC is the place for all the single LDS people, but I really don't travel for dates.  And along those lines, I wanted to inform you all that I found out I not as big of a whore as I thought was... If you are new to this blog, you just fell out of your chair.  Please see previous post called Whore

I continue, I found out I am not the attention whore I have claimed to be.  Don't get me wrong, I am still easy and still want paid for it, but after un-hiding my profile on a dating site and getting about 60 emails in one day (that was just one day!), and I didn't count how many I got other days,  I decided that is not for me.  Thank you to the 500+ guys who looked at my profile over the past week (what an ego boost!) but right now I know, that my "someday" with someone special is coming, but good things take time, and I don't need to push that.  See these two years have taught me that hard work, dedication, and faith make things happen.

Did I mention it's been 2 years!!  Holy Cow!!!

I mean, look what I have done with my body, look what I have done with my life .  It took almost 2 years to become a size 0 (started at a size 16).  It took two years to want to run everyday and love it the way I do.  It took two years to be this happy!   Don't get me wrong I still have issues and problems, but like my friend said "you are a different person now".  I am happier and the feel of my home and even my company has changed because I changed.

These days it is sometimes hard to remember the "fatty" I was before, and some days I don't want to remember the "fat" girl I was, because it makes me sad.  I do try to remember that I don't want to ever be that girl again.  I am always thankful of the lessons I learned, and I am really thankful I have became a Beachbody Coach and have had the opportunity to inspire others.

If you need to make a change take a step today and keep going and like anything of value it is going to be hard work, but it is worth it!

2 years!!!!!!  Life has changed so much!  Love all of you have been with me though this awesome journey.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Summer Challenge

So I am totally taking this from another blogger, but it looked fun, and I thought why not. 


Yeah, you are going to need some stairs for this.  Head to your local high school or college field.

Perform the following circuit 5 times and increase by one each time you go to the stadium, until you’ve reached 20 circuits.
  • Walk fast up the stairs taking two at a time…all the way to the top. Run when you’re ready.
  • Walk down…always walk.
  • Tricep Dips using the stadium stairs- 20 reps
  • Walk fast up the stairs.
  • Walk Down the stairs.
  • Push-ups using stadium stairs – 10 reps
In the beginning walk up the stairs until you feel comfortable going faster. It’s a good idea to run or walk along side a railing in case you need to grab on for balance at some point.

Reminder that most school stadiums and tracks close at dark, something I learned last weekend from a local police officer and then was reiterated to me again by another officer a day later.   Geesh, I can't get a break from the boy's in blue some days.  Don't they know I am trying to sculpt a well rounded butt?  Ha!

And thanks to a recent reader who told me, I'm a dork.  Awww you guys love me, don't you?  LOL

Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Flight Risk

Tomorrow the plan is to post a workout for all of you.  But today I think I need to write some fitspiration, for you, for me, for us all and a little about my weekend diet. 

At least one person voiced concerned over my recent "I'm a Bad Mom" post as well as a recent status update on my facebook that said "I was a flight risk this week."

First the blog post... well I was feeling bad and I don't think any parent thinks they are doing the best for their kids all the time.  If they do, well then those people are probably actually not very good parents at all.  My family is not complete and is not whole at the moment, I know that, but I also realize that Heavenly Father will provide me with a complete family and will do so in the Temple.  (For any readers who are new to this blog, I am LDS) 

About my status update, the update was suppose to be funny more than anything, and it was my way of saying I needed a break.  And I will get that break this weekend up in Salt Lake City, yes I am running away a bit.  I don't do it often, if ever, but this weekend I don't want to be home.  I am going up to SLC to go stay with my friend and his family for the weekend.  I think I need some time with a family over the weekend.  I can't be with my children and hanging out with my local friends is fun but sometimes a person needs more.

And guess what? I found a race to run with one of my other good friends while I am in SLC.  So that's right, I'll have a race recap next week on the blog.  Ohhh, I know you are all so excited.  I hope to come back recharged for the tough week ahead.

Pre-Race Diet

This race was a bit unexpected as I will be registering tomorrow and then running on Saturday (yep, I'm back in Utah where races on Saturday not on Sunday.)  Normally I would eat a large bowl of pasta the night before but because Summit (Beacbhbody Coach's Summit) is just over 30 days out and I want to look my best and I will be starting the Beachbody Ultimate Reset (see link below) and Supplements|Ultimate Reset

Looks like this girl will be running on veggies and Shakeology the next 3 weeks, but good fuel makes for a good body.  You all know you like the results of my diets on me and on yourself (for those of you who follow them.)  For those of you (you know who you are) who don't love my "granola" eating habits and sometime earth friendly ways, I am not a hippie!  I can't be consider a hippie because I'm an Oregon girl.  We love our veggies and the outdoors but we don't drive Prius's and we love the boys in jacked up pick up trucks.  I just heard half the girls in Oregon say "hell ya!"  LOL

Monday, May 14, 2012

Big Booty

I promised you all a song and here it is.  It's a catchy little tune and I would like to thank Nathan from the Happies for letting me use it.  Song is called Big Booty and is from the unreleased Unhappies CD (2001).

And you all know from my last post that I did not have a great Saturday / Sunday morning but I was very happy that my gay boyfriend was in town this weekend and that I got to spend time with him. Whoo Hoo!!  If only he could marry me... It would totally work out if we both could keep seeing other guys   But don't worry, I am not planning on fattening anyone up and marrying them down.  More like slim them down and marry them up.  LOL  (I love that I make myself laugh).

Have a great week everyone.

And if you want to have a great butt go to my Coach's page and check out the Brazil Butt Lift trainer videos under the shop tab.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

I'm A Bad Mom

Disclaimer on this blog:  This may be one of those post that will be used in court and probably is more suited for my Divorcelets Blog, of which I never post in.  Remember, I started blogging for my personal use and this is one of those post that is personal.

It's almost 3am and I just got back from the track.  Wondering what I was doing at the track well after midnight?  Actually, so did the St George Police.  LOL  Lucky for me it was not the same officer that gave me the ticket a few weekends ago, I know because I asked him.  Good thing it is not a crime to run the track at 1:30 in the morning.  When the officer asked what I was doing, I told him "I have issues."  LOL  He thought it was funny.

So, again, what caused me to go run for a few hours tonight?  Well it started with me asking a friend for a favor for my little girl.  It was a favor that I really shouldn't of asked for but some how I did anyways.  And I am not mad in anyway that my friend couldn't do the favor (had to put that in there).  Well someplace between getting the answer to my question and walking to the car I realized I am not a good Mom.  I provide so much for my kids, yet I do not provide them with a basic family, a Mom and Dad.

Now, I am not saying that I regret the divorce in any way.  In fact I regret letting the marriage go on as long as it did because my ex-husband was not a good husband, I question his current parenting, and I think very little of him as a man (this is the part that will be used in court, I am sure).  But the divorce leaves me and my children with an incomplete family.

As my friend and I drove over Red Cliff Drive this evening, I was thinking about my incomplete family and I was very sad when I looked down and could see the Temple.  Seeing the Temple brought tears to my eyes and just thinking about it makes me want to cry again.  I so miss the Temple and I pray my family be made whole in the Temple someday soon.

Tonight (or this morning however you want to look at it) I feel like an epic failure as a Mom which is kind of funny considering it is Mother's Day.  Funny in a boo hoo way not a ha ha way.  I have no advice to give this am or for the day other than hug your kids and tell them how much you love them.

I run a lot because I am chasing my "Someday"

Thursday, May 10, 2012

I'm Not A Snob!

Another post by fellow Beachbody Coach Lauralee Fisher.  Hope it offers some inspiration today, I know her insights help me.  I really like the part where she mentions people think she is a snob and that she works out too much.  I get this a lot too.  I get told that I only care about weight and looks, which is totally not true at all.  I care about health and I care about being happy, I know that is confusing to those who do not have either.  Anyways check out Lauralee's Beachbody site or mine for more information about how we changed our lives, not just our dress size.

 Lauralee - isn't she the cutest!

This day is a special day for me because on this day in 2008 I was officially a graduate with my MBA and on a plane to celebrate my hard work for a week. I had a promising career lined up for me when I returned from my trip. Life was good. Things changed after that though… I lost the job that I thought was so promising and I found myself unemployed, depressed and wondering how I would make ends meet. I had to change my lifestyle and adjust which made my anxiety and depression worse.
As months went by with no job I found myself feeling worse and worse about myself and gaining more weight. On June 28, 2010 I decided enough was enough and started P90X. I am only mentioning P90X because this is what truly turned my life around in so many ways. I didn’t even have a job or unemployment benefits yet I purchased the program. Something told me “this is going to work”. I was in poor health, my blood pressure was 171/110, I had high cholesterol, and I was on medication… I hated where my life was heading because I felt like a failure.

As I went through the program things got better. I felt better about myself and I was no longer winded after walking up steps. My knees and joints didn’t hurt and I had more energy. I no longer wanted to sleep all day and sit in front of the TV. The “me” I knew before with an inner fire that would blind the sun and determination like no other was back. I liked what working out did for my mind.. not just my body. Fitting in my clothes (which were so tight it was awful) was just an added perk. I was getting my confidence back and feeling good.

I returned to work with a temporary position which I ended up being at for a year and then took another position with a company that looked promising. During this time period I have completed my first half marathon in the top 50% (my goal), participated in Warrior Dash and was part of several 5K runs. I was doing a lot and feeling confident, happy and hopeful for the present and the future. Well I lost my job I took that was so promising the week of Christmas.

For a quick moment I thought that there must be something wrong with me for this to happen again BUT then I realized there are plenty of people out there battling the same battle I am in. I decided right then and there that it wasn’t going to break me. I no longer feel I am worth less than someone who is working nor do I feel that I am not smart because I am not working. People lose jobs all the time and it’s not in my control. What IS in my control is how I react to it. I have been actively looking for a new position knowing that nothing is promised. We aren’t given tomorrow, we aren’t guaranteed a job from one day to the next and we aren’t guaranteed our health from one day to the next.

After losing my last position I was selected by Beachbody to be in their latest infomercial for Insanity due to my results. I was SO happy about this because I strive to be the change I wish to see in the world. In the past as many of you know I was in a head on collision where I broke several back bones, rib bones, and discs were damaged. I have a permanent injury. I was millimeters from being paralyzed. After that accident I could have given up and went into a very deep hole.. but I didn’t. I fought hard, I worked out, I kept pushing and came through like a champ. I am doing the same thing now and I won’t stop until I reach my goal.

I was told I wouldn’t golf or be able to run and I beat those odds. One thing that really motivates me is when someone says I can’t do something.

Through all of this I have also disassociated myself with some people who I thought were friends and some people have stopped talking to me after the changes I made in my life. My positive attitude, energy and determination turned some people off. I was even told I came across as “snobby” or that I thought I was “better than everyone else” because of my positive outlook. Anyone that truly KNOWS me knows I am neither of these. I am in a competition with one person and that is myself. It’s me against me and it always has been. Losing contact with these people has been very good for me though because these people brought out the negatives.

I have found through my changes that people easily get resentful, jealous and hateful when others have that “go getter” and “positive” attitude which I truly do not understand. In the past I would have seen it as a problem with me, but I realize it’s not me; it’s those people who are insecure or unhappy with something in their life. I refuse to lower my standards so others accept me. These people can keep thinking I am snobby because I don’t want to do what they consider fun but that’s not my problem and I don’t care.

One thing I do want to get out in the open is that I realize that not everyone is going to like or accept me that are friends with my boyfriend. The only thing I ask is that these people be honest about it instead of playing dumb or trying to twist it around. If you don’t like me you should let him know so he doesn’t think that it’s him that you have an issue with. I know it’s easier to just blame it on someone else (the most common things I hear are I am snobby, think I am better than everyone, I go on about my workouts too much, my high drive to succeed). I am perfectly fine with someone not meshing with me. Chances are I feel the same and we are just too different to be friends. I know some people will see this statement as coming across as “being dramatic” but it’s not. Again, people who know me know I am one of the easiest people to have a relationship with. I am getting this out in the open and being honest. I am not into playing games and acting like I don’t see the white elephant in the room. I am honest with people and have no problem discussing any open issues or perceived problems with others. I am not afraid of confrontation. If you are truly a friend of Kevin’s though you should not ignore him because of me. He is a grown man and can talk to and hang out with whoever he chooses just as I am a grown woman. I have plenty of wonderful friends and I am very happy to be blessed with them.

So on this note – Today is a special day because in 2008 I never thought my life would be where it is today. It went another way but at the same time the journey has helped me grow as an individual and has helped me help others reach their goals. The journey has been hard at times, fun at times but it has always been beautiful because I know I have all of the tools to live the life I have dreamed of living. I have a feeling that the stars are going to line up perfectly here soon and I will be once again on a plane to a beautiful resort to celebrate the many wonders of life! Happy Thursday friends!!!!!

 The girl can rock a bikini!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

It's A Jungle Out There

13.1 Miles of San Diego County - I love it!

I had a great weekend in San Diego County and ran the Safari Half Marathon at the Safari Zoo. Once again, I want to give you a run down of the stupid crap I think about during my race.   This wonderful 13.1 miles was on a green hillside on a cool misty Sunday morning.  And no, I normally would not run a race on Sunday, I need to remember that the rest of the world, outside of Utah, does stuff on Sunday. Sometimes, I find myself trapped in the Utah bubble. 

First I was late to the race, like really late.  I woke up at 6am (Race started at 6:30)  and went the wrong direction to the start line.  But I finally made it there, and I started at 6:40.  I had just enough time to put my timing chip on, down a banana and my first PowerBar (cookies and cream) which was funny because I spent the weekend with one of relatives of the women who created PowerBars.

Mile 1 -" I'm late, I'm late, I'm late. What am I the stupid rabbit in Alice in Wonderland"

Mile 2 -" I acted stupid last night.  I'm still upset.  Why did I do that?  Run faster until I feel better."

(This also made me think about when I first learned that being upset helped me run faster back in high school thanks to my friend Cari (the person that made me mad) and I ran to Justin (the cute boy in my life at the time).  And then I thought of Jen who tried the rest of my senior year to upset me before cross country meets.)

Mile 3 - "Wow I passed a lot of Fatletes.  Good for them, rock it until you lose it."

Mile 4 - "Cows!!  And Tony the Tiger?  It's Grrrreeeat!!"

Mile 5 -  Overheard an interesting conversation between three girls.

Girl 1 "Ok, we made it to mile 5, so for that one we can drink"
Girl 2  "If we make it to mile 6 we make out with that one guy."
Girl 3  "No, No, if we make it to mile 6, you just make out with the guy while we watch and drink beer."

I swear this was real conversation between these three girls.  I can't make stuff like that up.

Mile 6 - "Who are all these chicks with tattoos on their backs.  Like every other girl has some hideous design on their upper back.  What happened to the good ole days of girls just having tramp stamps that most shirts covered up.  WTF"

Mile 7 - "Look a hill with sandy dirt.  Ahhh just like at home.  No big deal"

At this point I just saw a little hill, but as I turned the corner I heard people start to gasp and someone said "Don't look up."  So I looked up... duh.  And there it was, 1 mile up not a hill but well you see.


Mile 8  -   "One mile up now time for the down hill race.  Watch this!"

Mile 9 -  "Ahh one of the tattooed chicks wants to race.  Let's do this"

Mile 9.5 - "Ha ha, left tattoo chick at the bottom of the hill.  I got the up hill race down."

Mile 10 - San Diego Police Department and San Diego Fire Department manned the 10th mile.  "God I love a man in a blue uniform.  I need to start running with a shirt that says I AM SINGLE"

Mile 10.5  - "I kissed a girl and I liked it."  'WTF!!!"

Sorry I was listening to Katy Perry.

Mile 11 - Thought about him (just like I did last race).  Thought about an etch-a-sketch.  Stopped thinking and ran faster up the last hill..

Mile 11.5 -  Another runner said "Nice place for your phone."

I always run with my phone in my sports bra, because lets be honest, it isn't holding my boobs, I don't have any, so at least I am putting the bra to good use.

Mile 12 -  "Last mile time to sprint!!"

Mile 12.5 -  Passed a panther (girl in panther costume) and she said "you got this."  "Yes I do."

Mile 12.8  - "Last turn pick someone to race.  Cheetah Girl, I am going to race Cheetah Girl!"

Mile 13.1 -  Cheetah girl beat me by about two steps, both of us at full sprint.  So just to recap that for you, I am faster than a panther, not as fast as a cheetah.

GOT A PR OF 1:58:47

After the race I met a Tough Mudder, Justin, who was totally cool and we talked smoothies and a love of running on the way back to our cars on the shuttle.  If by chance he reads this blog... Justin I can't find your facebook, you'll have to send me a request.  And hope to see you at the Santa Barbara
Marathon or Tough Mudder in July.

My stomach rumbled the rest of the day from running, it does that after a long race.  I still took a small hike and still made it to church.  And at the end of the day I had the best cold oatmeal ever!!  And that help settle my stomach.

As for the rest of my trip to San Diego.  Again, I had a great time.  To my new friend Maggie, come run the trails of Southern Utah with me anytime.  I promise to rub your belly afterwards.  (Maggie is a dog BTW LOL)

Friday's blog should include a new song for everyone, that I hope you will all love, called Big Booty.  My new fav, from a fav band.   Who wants to run the next race with me?  Anyone?

Friday, May 4, 2012

Take Your Own Picture

Be fit so you can be obsessed with taking your own picture.

Not me, but a girl who needed her pic taken.
 It's ok to love yourself.  (Also not me)

Yeah this one is me, rocking a new bikini and the hair, love my hair. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Challenge

I really love Ab Ripper X from P90X but there is something Tony Horton says during one exercise that has given me an idea for a challenge.   So during the v up/ roll up combo he says imagine doing a hundred of these.  Well ok then, that sounds like a challenge to me.  So for this month do 100 v up / roll up combos in one day.  I would prefer that you do them at one time if you can.  That's what I am going top try and do.  I may not stand straight the rest of the day.  Have fun!!

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