Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Get Going....

Today I sit tired, broken, and battered. I'm not sure if it's because I miss my ex and the life I had or if I am upset because I want instant gratification at the gym and wish I was already a size 0.
Ran my little a** off at the gym. I would prefer to run outside but gym has childcare. I am down another 10 pounds since I last wrote on here. Makes me feel accomplished. Except emotionally I am not. That's probably for another blog I should write about getting over a failed relationship.

Half of the battle with losing weight and becoming healthy is it's a process. A process that does NOT happen over night. (although I wish it was instant).
I became fat over the course of 7 years, it will take more than a year to get where I want. I have these ideas in my head that I can be a body builder, that I can look smokin hot naked!! But then I notice a battle in my head. Sometimes the voices say "I can" sometimes the voices are my inner demons. What I notice now is that no matter what self talk you listen to, you are only going to achieve what you actually get your ass out there and DO!!
So, for all my friends who are struggling. Get out there, put down the food, soda, or whatever your addiction is and PUSH YOURSELF!
Push yourself physically, mentally and emotionally. Go! Do Something about your misery!
I am battling through a seperation. My ex and I sometimes hate each other, sometimes love and miss each other (those days are few and between). My misery is my romantic state of life. But that is what helped me to be a fatty in the first place. A romantic relationship may not be your reason for gaining. It's just an example. My point is that I should have worked hard on that too. I should have faced my fears and achieved.
My advice today.... Locate what makes you feel that you can't achieve the health and well-being that you want. Find what makes you upset and lose focus. THEN TAKE A DEEP BREATH AND FACE IT HEAD ON!!! Go on do it. Because the biggest failure is not trying. The biggest failure is letting yourself down. You can let others down but you live with yourself every minute of everyday!!
Get out there and do what every scares you. If you don't you'll only wonder.
Face everyday with new positive insight. You only live once, lol! YOlO!
If for nothing else achieve greatness physically so that inner voice that tells you "you can't" can't shut the hell up!!

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