This is me and I'm not that other girl.
So I am still dealing with the shiz storm I created with this weeks post. As always, I have no intention of apologizing for any of it. I really should be grateful as I found out who really wanted to stand beside me and who just wanted to tell what to do. And yep, I was unfriended on FB by someone who proclaimed to be friends forever (oh sad face).
About Monday's post, the post is not saying I don't want a relationship, because I do, it's just that I may spook easily and if I get scared, there is a chance I will bolt, and just because I run from one relationship does not mean I will run into another. I just am not like that. Give me a break!
Anyways, I wanted to clarify a few things about myself for some of you...
Quit treating me like your ex!!!!
I am not the psycho girl who broke down your door. I am not the girl who packed up and left you. I am not the girl you wasted a ton of time chatting with you online and failed to connect. I am not the girl who failed to appreciate you and refused to communicate with you. I am not the girl who is immature. I am not the bratty Momma's girl. I am not a spoiled Daddy's girl. I am not the girl who needs you, and I won't use you!!
So many people are ready for me to argue with them and waiting for me to do something crazy, well I am sorry but that just not me. Really, this blog is me at my worst. I am a pretty laid back girl. I hate to argue. I hate drama. I rarely get mad, but am prone to moments of girlie behavior. I don't hold grudges and I don't hate anyone, ever! Because both cause wrinkles..YUCK. I try never to be mean (my college boyfriend is on the ground laughing someplace because he thought I was always mean), but really I don't even think I have mean thoughts... or do I... nope, no I don't. As long as you don't let me railroad you (of which I might try to do because I am a girl after all) I will be the sweetest girl you know (again the college boyfriend falls to the floor in laughter).
I have been accused of being lonely and desperate this week. Ummm, I am alone, but not lonely and I am not desperate for sure. If I was I would already be with someone, probable some A-hole, some in-active (LDS) member or worse yet a non-member that would want to tell me what to do, because telling the successful pretty girl what to do, is a fun hobby for some guys.
My standards remain, and I am sorry so few of you meet them, and just because I want attention does not mean that I want attention from everyone. I like to get attention on the blog but at home, I am ok just hanging out with my kids, and actually hate getting too many text messages or even worse, phone calls. So unless I said "call me...maybe" don't bother, just talk to me on FB.
Finally, I was also asked this week if I would ever give this blog up for my future husband. Assuming the blog would bother anyone I became serious with (truth is, the blog bugs most guys I date). Simple answer, yes, a course I would. Chances are.. someday... I will have another blogger, a former fatty, take this thing over so that you can read about their weightless and their drama. My shiz may get old at some point. LOL
Have a great weekend everyone! And thanks for letting me clear up a few matters from this week.
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