Thursday, February 16, 2012

A Big Fat Apology...Kind Of

So I have been told my blog has offended someone…Again! Yeah, it’s not the first time.  So part of me wants to apologize and the other part of me wants to tell everyone to take a flying leap. 
In the beginning of my weight loss, I blogged just for me, and I blogged only my Beachbody site.  It was a way for me to deal with my issues.  I was 190lbs people, I clearly had issues. Then people told me they were reading my blogs, a lot!  People would quote my blogs and they told me the words I wrote helped, helped them deal with their weight and their issues. Wow!

Now I would agree, I use my Mormon swear words way too much, and we all know that it is still a form of swearing, and for that I do apologize.  The pictures I post are often suggestive and mostly half naked women, but they are fit woman, and I consider them fitspiration, so I won’t apologize for that.  The women in the pictures are just models and the pictures are from other sites (yeah I’m hacking other sites LOL)  I have started posting video links, mostly stupid crap I find on youtube (not at all rated G), and no I don’t know how to embed the video properly yet, I am working on that. Not really going to change that either because most of the time it’s just funny.  The videos are often the stupid songs I have in my head when I writing the blogs.  Consider the videos and musical references as an insight to the running musical going on in my head (Musical called “Just Amy” and I always say with jazz hands).

Only other way I can assume I may have offended others, is that I do make it clear that I am not a perfect Mormon girl.  So please do not take anything I say in this blog to represent my faith, my church, or other Mormons.  Just like everyone else, Mormons are all different, and I in no way represent my church, and although I am a card carrying member (temple worthy) there are some Sundays I am lucky if I make it to sacrament meeting before sacrament is actually is given.    

I use my fatlete site to help me, and I use it to help those who want my help.  I am direct, to the point, and not always nice.  Life isn’t always nice or fair so why sugar coat it (avoid sugar coated anything LOL).  If you don’t like the blog, don’t read it, unfriend me from Facebook, don’t follow my Pintrest, and don’t text me.  Yep, one of my blogs caused someone to text me and I had to tell that person “DON”T TEXT ME” (I felt like a lame 15 year old when it happened).
Well it looks like I have apologized and told my critics off all in one blog, ahhh, I love when I can have it all. LOL

Rock the day my Fatletes!!! And here is some Fitspiration.  Warning may be considered offensive!
Maybe my critics are just jealous, and jealousy is ugly.  Just saying...
If anyone would like to offend me, please post a picture of your jelly roll or muffin top.
Another girl rocking a workout.  I wonder what my critics are doing right now?  Probably sleeping.

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