Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Work That Flab Fatty

So in the past two days I have had tons of questions about skin, and at least one conversation could have had the potential to turn dark because there was Silence of the Lambs references made.  Skin is a huge issue for us former fatties.
I have previously written about lotions and procedures to help skin get its bounce back but I wanted to reiterate that the best thing you can do for your skin is put muscle underneath it.   When I first started working out, I remember doing planks and looking down at my stomach and being totally horrified.  My flat tummy would suddenly hang down, and not with a cute little bump, but vertical lines of skin hanging there. I truly thought it was always going to look like that.  But after 6 months of getting leaner and a million different type of ab exercises the skin no longer hangs on me, it stays flat (can I get a thank you Jesus!) LOL

Give your body time and muscle, both will go a long way in the fight against the flab.
On a final note I want to thank everyone for their emails and comments of support and love as I start the process of divorce.  Details have been worked out today and Gary and I both hope for a smooth transition.  I think Gary and I can be friends and do well as parents after all is said and done…but then again I am Mrs. Optimistic and could just be totally wrong (it has happened before LOL).

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